Overture builds to the opening of Shakespeare's Hamlet. On a platform at Elsinore Castle... |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
This overture contains themes for several scene changes including the "mad marriage". |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
The "overture" for "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged" |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
This track plays at the appearance of the Ghost of Hamlet's father. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
This music contains music for the rather abrupt exit of Petruchio and Kate from their wedding feast at the end of Act 3 |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
This track underscored the famous soliloquy. In directing the play, I took the position (not entirely original, but uncommon), that Hamlet delivered this speech to Ophelia as she sat reading under the instructions of her father and Claudius. Ophelia becomes, in a sense, Hamlets "father confessor". It was a very tense and moving moment. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
This piece represents the swagger and "rough wooing" of Petruchio. |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
The somewhat "confused" appearance of Othello in "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged" |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
The pivotal scene of Claudius' "mea culpa" required an interesting musical treatment that would support both the private, confessional aspect as well as the underlying determination for violence. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
As is so often the case in Shakespeare, as soon as the clowns appear, we hear a lot of plain truth. The gravediggers' scene is no exception. The lightened mood and the quick exchange of wit between Hamlet and the gravedigger tell us volumes of the class struggle of Shakespeare's time. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
The music to introduce the greatly condensed version of ALL Shakespeare's comedies in "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged" |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
Yorick has always seemed to me to be Hamlet's "spiritual" father. Perhaps his madness, if feigned, was merely a re-creation of Yorick's gibes and gambols. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
This piece was the most challenging to compose because of its need to accompany the elaborate fight choreography of the swordplay. The three segments of the fight, first with sword and capes, second with swords and daggers, and lastly with just swords was a very specific situation for underscoring. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
In this production, I cut the segments with Fortinbras, so that Horatio's touching benediction "Goodnight, sweet Prince..." ends the play. The music brings out the strong pathos of the ending. |
MP3.com CD: Hamlet: Music for the Play - buy it!
CD: Hamlet
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner |
This music introduced the absolutely deliciously funny Titus section of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged" |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
This track accompanies the entrance of "Juliet" for the quirky reduced version of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged". |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
This theme introduced the Hamlet section of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged". |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |
Music for Bows at the end of "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Abridged" |
CD: Music for Shakespeare
Label: Airdreams
Credits: Rusty Garner, Composer |