title cut from new CD dedicated to my ancestors, my elders, the land and all of her creatures. its meant to uplift the way of seeing and living that is the various traditions of the 500 nations of Turtle Island. mitakye oyasin |
CD: All My Relations
Label: self published
Credits: Mark plays all guitars/percussion, drum loop programming, voice recordings of old Hopi man/lecturer (identities unknown) |
this peice is dedicated to my fathers father who was from India from the region that is now Pakistan. I did this peice because I have always loved classical east Indian music and have dabbled with it over the years. Instrumental Rhythmic peice some who have the first CD it was released on ("the Promise Kept") have used for background music for meditation and massage sessions. |
CD: "the Promise Kept" (' 00) "All My Relations" (03)
Label: both titles are self published by the Artist
Credits: Mark: Vocals, all instruments heard played on Gtr. Synthesizer (violin, bass, sitar, flute, horn, keyboards, floor Tom, tabla), except Rhythm track (programmed by Mk) |
Instrumental peice recorded Live at Cleveland Public Theatre 3/00. |
CD: All My Relations
Label: published by the Artist
Credits: Mark Plays Guitar Synth with DOD 12 sec Digital Delay |
Sample of an Instrumental peice. |
CD: All My Relations
Label: Published by the Artist
Credits: Mark produced and plays: Guitars, Percussion, Didjeridu, and drum loop programming |
Instrumental Peice featuring Didjeridu |
CD: All My Relations
Label: Published be the Artist
Credits: Mark produced and plays: Guitar Synth./ Didjeridu/Percussion/drum loop programming |
Instrumental peice with many influnces. |
CD: the Promise Kept ('00), All My Relations (03)
Label: Published by the artist
Credits: Mark plays all Instruments on guitar synthesizer except, Percussion loop programming with SF Acid. |
Instrumental originally from the first CD of the same name. |
CD: the Promise Kept (00) All My Relations (03)
Label: self published
Credits: Mark plays all Instruments... |