The slippery, slimy blackfish, cruises the billabong with a ravenous appetite. If it fits into the slimy's mouth, then it's considered food. Watch for the telltale bubbles and don't fall in. The sound of the banjo might just herald your deliverance. |
CD: Billabong Ballads
Label: distributed by Billabong Ballads
Credits: Chris Matthews - vocals, Chris Wynne - banjo & guitar |
Leaping lizards! its the sneaky, up to no good reptilians of the billabong. Look out what you leave around, there's lots and lots of lizards, groovin'to a honky tonking sound. |
CD: Billabong Ballads
Label: distributed by Billabong Ballads
Credits: Chris Matthews - vocals, Chris Wynne - guitar, Darren Holborow - keyboard |
Somewhat reclusive and more than a little paranoid; this old bloke of the billabong, the doubting tortoise, doesn't get out much; but when he does he moves to a calypso rhythm. |
CD: Billabong Ballads
Label: distributed by Billabong Ballads
Credits: Darren Holborow & Chris Wynne - guitars, Chris Matthews & Mari Hall - vocals |