Here's to bad decisions when being far away from home. |
CD: Five Year Olds Who Dream of Lego Cities Never Consider Building Permits
Label: demo
Credits: Recorded by Judson Brown @ Borderline Studios, Lisa Menzel-vocals, Jennifer Jonelis-guitar, Matt Nallen-drums, Sam Nallen-bass |
This song is an application of the movie Life Is Beautiful and is dedicated to the person for whom the phrase was coined. Life was beautiful when we spoke. |
CD: Five Year Olds Who Dream of Lego Cities Never Consider Building Permits
Label: Demo
Credits: Jennifer Jonelis-guitar experimentation, Lisa Menzel-vocal experimentation |
This is actually called The Artist's Fingers Froze on the Night of Her Muse's Wedding, but the imagery is the same in the denotative sense. |
CD: Stupid Lobby Music
Label: Demo
Credits: Jennifer Jonelis-Guitar, Lisa Menzel-vocals |