The name of this track has no real relevance to the music. I think that the music just reminded us of some of the classic old horror movies that come out of Hollywood.....
It is a subliminal trance piece that breathes life into it's dark shadow; who lerks around your house and your room while your back is turned. Keep a mirror next to your computer monitor so you can see who is coming in the door. Or the window. Or from under your bed.......from behind the couch? Remember. When you listen to this; keep your knitting needles handy!!!!
CD: Live At Cafe BiBo
Label: Independant
Credits: Big-G, Bags, Teen |
Candelstickelabradinner. This is the full name of this track. It just reminded me of having dinner with HAL, in the space odessy. Somehow, Uncle Phester had triumphed over the MACHINE and made a friend rather than an enemy. Isn't that what we should be aiming for? Giving, Receiving, Peace.
It is said, there was a time in the Roman Empire, before Ceaser, where bartering was the currency. Inside the Roman Forum, was a society of people who gave gifts for pleasure and creative ventures were available to the public for no price. Imagine if we didnt need money now! yet we could have every thing we needed. |
CD: Live At Cafe BiBo
Label: Independant
Credits: Big-G, Bags, Teen. |
The hot desert winds. A flat horizon of sand and your vision hazed by the sand in your eyes. You have lost your shoe lace and it is somewhere to be found.......Signs of a shoe lace.
A very slow and meditative piece that will make you feel, contemplative, retrospective and relaxed.
CD: Live At Cafe BiBo
Label: Independant
Credits: Big-G, Bags, Teen. |