Tender etherial ballad of hope. -- "I must avow that the song "The Hues of Longing" is the most beautiful song of them all and encapsulates all the imagery that Lisa and Eric are known for and then some. I highly recommend "Feather and Fate"! It is certainly a masterpiece that deserves respect and recognition. Gorgeously, "Feather and Fate" will stand and surpass the test of time. Bravo, Lisa and Eric! And thank you for creating your magical melodies!" - La Meduse Journal |
CD: Feather and Fate
Label: Projekt
Credits: Eric Hammer - all instruments; Lisa Hammer - all vocals. (c) 2001 Mors Syphilitica (SESAC) |
Original bluegrass whirling dervish murder ballad performed on banjo, full rock band, strings and vocal harmonies. A deceptively beautiful song with terror lurking in its lyrics. |
CD: Feather and Fate
Label: Projekt Records
Credits: Eric Hammer - all instruments; Lisa Hammer - all vocals. (c) 2001 Mors Syphilitica (SESAC) |
Well...GOTHIC Bluegrass. Melancholy mandolin ballad with very passionate operatic female vocals/ haunting melody....."Obscure, dark and passionate music with an ethereal and profound voice." -Ver Sacrum |
MP3.com CD: Primrose EP (1998) - buy it!
CD: Primrose
Label: Sacrum Torch, Ltd./Slog Records/Darkside Dist.---
Credits: Vocals: Lisa Hammer, Instruments: Eric Hammer (c) & (p) 1998 Mors Syphilitica (SESAC) |