Somekind of amusement at all the people walking around while we go about the day. Maybe a bit of frustration at the space between them all. |
CD: Braving the Nightview
Label: Army Aunt Productions
Credits: Written and Performed by Jake Godfrey |
A business man writes to home to his mother wishing he could express his many regrets. Every day that he works the monster moves closer, and the closer it gets the further away is the possibility of atonement. |
CD: Braving the Nightview
Label: Army Aunt Productions
Credits: Written and performed by Jake Godfrey |
Story of another good girl gone bad while mom looks the other way. Desperate efforts to come clean fall apart time and time again, until she loses the last thing she holds dear... |
CD: Braving the Nightview
Label: Army Aunt Productions
Credits: Written and performed by Jake Godfrey |