Have you ever felt disappointed when you thought you had failed? Have you ever felt like giving up? Well, who hasn't, right? 'Take What's Good' helps to point out that it's okay to make mistakes because we learn from our mistakes. And it's also okay to have people give us feedback because we might just learn from that feedback. But we don't have to follow blindly everything that comes our way. Just take what's good! |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
Have you ever met anyone who said 'Yes' to your face but you were sure she meant 'No'? That's probably because her words do not project the same meaning as her voice and body language. This song makes us aware that to be happier with ourselves, it is best for us to learn to match what we feel with what we say and do. The starting and sudden stopping activities in this song help to enhance our inhibitory control skills so we can hold back inappropriate behaviour whenever we want. |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
Moving, vocalizing and dramatizing while using our five senses to the song Hide 'n' Seek is a fun way to help us get rid of negative emotions Also, we can relieve stress by singing out loud the gibberish in the sing-a-long section. |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
We all get slapped with expressions such as "You're careless", "You're too shy", "You're untidy" and "You're naughty" all the time. These negative statements, taken in large doses, may rob us of our confidence. So why not turn to vitamin words to get back our self-esteem and confidence? After all, we take vitamin supplements daily for the health of the body. So why not take vitamin words (which are really positive affirmations) for the health of the mind too? |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
Rainbow Lullaby was designed to create awareness of how colors can affect us positively. This song can be used for relaxation and imagination. |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
This instrumental piece is great to help soothe and relax us after an active day. Also, trigger our power of imagination. |
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' MInds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' MInds
CD: The Star In Me
Label: Tunin' Minds