Number three in a collection of three short pieces by Alan Bullard. Swung eighths and lots of accents bring this piece alive. Misplaced accents and rests give some parts of this piece a feeling of meterlessness. Is that a word? |
MP3.com CD: Simply Saxophone Sampler - buy it!
Label: Tougher Universe Records
Credits: Music copyright (c) 2002 by Alan Bullard. Recording copyright (p) 2002 by Erik S. Donough. Recording by permission |
Written by Erik S. Donough |
MP3.com CD: Simply Saxophone Sampler - buy it!
Label: Tougher Universe Records
Credits: Music and Recording copyright (c)(p) 2002 by Erik S. Donough |
Fast, heavy, bouncy, sudden dynamic changes. |
MP3.com CD: Simply Saxophone Sampler - buy it!
Label: Tougher Universe
Credits: Music by Walter S. Hartley copyright (c) 1992 Wingert-Jones Music, Inc. Recording copyright (p) 2002 Erik S. Donough. Recording by permission |