A metal song with a different feeling to it. It has a kind of eerie feeling to it with echo effects. Dark, ominous intro with singing lead and heavy distortion. Rhythmic, well-paced captivating chorus with a repetitive motive. A touch of classical influence visible a great violin-like solo. Soft style of singing creates a contrast to the heavy style of the accompaniment which makes the song different to the mainstream of other songs in genre. |
CD: Hades
Label: N/A
Credits: Robert Budmar |
Metal song with an introduction embellished with arpeggios followed by percussive strumming. Big sound, a veritable wall of melodic noise, full of distortion, classical violin-like solo. Soft singing combined with the heavy background accompaniment creates a unique sound, unlike any other metal band. |
CD: Hades
Label: N/A
Credits: Robert Budmar |
A heavy rock song with a different feel to it. Beautiful intro with a singing, melodic guitar hook. Heavy distortion on all guitar parts. Classical influences combined with metal feel gives this song its distinct character. Just listen to the chorus with its soft, although played extremely heavily, chorus. Enjoy the violin-like solo. The soft singing creates a contrast with the heavy character of the song, which contributes to its distinct flavor. |
CD: Hades
Label: N/A
Credits: Robert Budmar |