This song has a bit of an anthemic quality to it. I can't think of any other songs to compare it to, but it is catchy enough that it would probably do well on radio. |
From the feedback I've recieved, I can acertain that this song is fairly original in style. I don't think there are any mainstream artists who sound overly similar, although the vocals are possibly reminiscent of a masculine Esthero.
Jesus gives this song a thumbs up, and so does Larry King. |
CD: Interphase (unreleased)
Label: Record Label of Unexistence
Credits: Eric Hogg -vocals, programming, acoustic guitars, production craziness |
This song has been voted one of the top 5 all time sexiest songs by at least 4 people. It's my token love/murder/suicide song with pretty harmonies, moody atmospheres, and all around musical goodness. You will download this or I will kill you. The song is a true story by the way. (see lyrics) |
CD: The best CD ever concieved of.
Label: The best record label there ever was, is, or will be.
Credits: MC Eric Hogg and his legion of self. |