This is an early production rough for one section of a prog-rock piece I'm working on. The rhythm guitars are the Frankencaster; the modulated guitar is the Fender Performer.I played live keyboards and bass, and Scott Schlaml's drum loops were used. Software: Cubase VST, SoundForge, T-Racks 24.Copyright 2003 Brent Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - electric guitars, keyboards, bass, loops/programming, record/edit/master |
Here's a quick tune inspired by the beauty Stratocaster I just picked up; sort of a Jeff Beck-ish thing. Copyright 2003 Brent Buckley. |
CD: Demo
Credits: Brent Buckley - keyboards, guitar, loops/programming, record/edit/master |
This is really a new performance of the tune, as only the drum track was retained from the original. Has a nice "wall" of rhythm guitars (Strats and Takamine capoed at different places). The "octave" solo is two passes of the Strat; the lead guitar is the Frankencaster.I played Jeff Ponder's Ibanez bass; the synth pad is a Yamaha SY-77.
Amy did some nice backup vocals.Tracking in Cubase VST, mastered in T-Racks 24, final edit in SoundForge.Copyright 2001 Brent D. Buckley. |
CD: Heart Of The Midnight/Drivin' In My Sleep publisher demo
Credits: Brent Buckley - electric and acoustic guitars, bass,keyboards, vocals,loops/programming; record/edit/master. Amy Harms-Buckley - additional vocals |
Here's a piece from the 80's vault - a jazzy thing I did when I got my first cassette four-track. Started with a drum track and built it from there. All the drums and keyboards are a Korg M-1;Yamaha fretless bass;Fender Performer guitar;Armstrong flute. Copyright 1987 Brent D. Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - keyboards, fretless bass, flute, electric guitar |
Here's a demo of a mid-tempo rocker with a countryish feel, sort of a Tom Petty-meets-Garth Brooks thing. Tracking was done in Cubase VST; mastered in T-Racks 24; final edit in Cool Edit. The guitars are all my Epiphone Dot hollow-body, if you're curious. I sold an option on this tune to a really big country singer a few years ago; the rights have reverted back to me now and I hope to place it with someone who can really sing it. Copyright 2002 Brent Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - Guitars, bass, keyboards, vocals, sequence programming |
Here is an updated mix of my theme song for an imaginary 1950's teenage dragstrip movie. Almost psychobilly at 190 bpm with mass quantities of guitar tracks (nine I think). This updated version corrected some timing and brought the guitars out a bit more. Recorded in Cubase VST, mastered with T-Racks and edited in Cool Edit at Brent's home studio. The drum programming was done in a cool little program called Making Waves that lets you manipulate samples like a MIDI sequencer. Copyright 2002 Brent Buckley. |
CD: Demo
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, keyboards, drum programming, vocal, producer/engineer |
Done as a goof just to see what would happen; my early Leslie West influence is laid bare for all to see! Guitars are the Frankencaster (2-humbucker homemade Strat). Drums are samples which I sequenced in Making Waves and I played JP's excellent Ibanez bass. Copyright 2000 Brent D. Buckley |
CD: Demo
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, vocals, drum programming, record/mix/edit/master |
This keyboard piece was sequenced in my old Yamaha synth, then edited and mastered with the usual software. I sold a license for performance rights to ATPCO (an airline firm), and they used it as the intro music at their international conference in Geneva. Copyright 1992 Brent Buckley. |
Credits: Brent Buckley - keyboards, record/mix/master |
A snappy little techno piece made up of real-time playing and loops I played myself. This was originally done as an entry in a Computer Music Magazine contest. Amy did some cool art for the cover. Copyright 2001 Brent Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley: keyboards, sequencing, vocals. Produced and engineered in Brent's home studio with Cubase VST. Graphic design copyright 2002 by Amy Harms-Buckley for Allegro Multimedia. |
This is a quickie demo I made in an effort to convince the guys in my band that the song would work as a rocker...You be the judge. All the guitars are my Frankencaster, and I played the lovely Ibanez bass I've had on loan from Jeff Ponder forever. The drums are samples which were programmed in Making Waves. |
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, vocal, drum programming, record/mix/master |
Here's a reworking of a song I wrote in 1988 about my ex-wife; do you detect a note of bitterness? Recorded in Brent's home studio: tracking in Cubase; mastering in T-Racks 24; final edit in Cool Edit. Copyright 1988 Brent D. Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, keyboards, sequencing, vocals |
"Next Time You Go" is a kind of blues/rock/grunge track. This demo version has a Jimmy Page-ish middle section that's made up of nineteen guitar tracks. Has a good hook and I think it would suit a Robert Cray type of artist very well. Scott Schmal's drum loops were used as well as the usual software(see above). Copyright 2002 Brent Buckley. |
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, keyboards, vocal, production/engineering |
Here is a demo of a heavy rock tune, recorded on a Boss BR-8 digital 8-track before I got Cubase and a computer fast enough to run it. I'm working on a new version now. Mastered with T-Racks and edited in Cool Edit. Copyright 2000 Brent D. Buckley. |
Credits: Brent Buckley - guitars, bass, keyboards, drum programming, vocals |
"Heart Of Stone" is a Peter Gabriel-esque tune that was written for my lovely and mysterious wife to sing. Amy did a wonderful job. Most of the piece was sequenced on my old Yamaha SY-77 workstation, which was then recorded into the Boss BR-8 digital 8-track. I then added some more live keyboard parts (including the "fretless bass" that's so integral to the piece),recorded the whole thing into Cubase, then used T-Racks and Cool Edit to finish. Where is the "find another" quote from? Copyright 2000 Brent Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - keyboards and vocals, production/engineering; Amy Harms-Buckley - vocals |
Once in a while I like to write a solo guitar piece, and here's one I like quite a lot. I wrote this one with a certain lovely and mysterious woman in mind. Recorded on the Boss BR-8, mastered in Cool Edit. Copyright 1999 Brent Buckley. |
This is an ambient piece done entirely with electric guitars. The Fender Performer guitar was run through the Boss BR-8 (and some of its effects), then into Cubase where three tracks were done. These tracks were then mangled, ring modulated, reversed, copied, delayed and otherwise played with; the final mix was then edited in Cool Edit. Copyright 2003 Brent Buckley |
Credits: Brent Buckley - electric guitars, producer/engineer |