My life story :-)
Co-written by Milo Black and Janet Murphy |
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it!
Credits: Milo Black and Janet Murphy |
A dark and dramatic love song. Music and lyrics by Milo Black. Vocals and vocal arrangements by Janet Murphy. You can hear more of Milo's great music at www.mp3.com/MiloBlack. Here's what one of the fans said, "Whew, girl! You've got some serious stuff happening here! I'm impressed! Mercy Janet! I think "Nothing You Can Say" just smoked my sound system! Great job, both you and Milo. Killer performance. Killer production! Do that again, please."
MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: 90 Proof
Credits: Milo Black and Janet Murphy |
HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "THE MATRIX"? This song was inspired by this movie. "I've got my eye on Zion, I'm not settling for less" |
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
Jesus said, "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you". Believe it or not, this scripture has given me comfort many times when I have felt a sting come from others who don't like the message I bring . You'll be a fragrance to some...a stench to others..anyway..."Follow Him...90 Proof!" |
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring
MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: 90 Proof
Credits: Written by Janet Murphy and Michael Murphy |
I discovered a beautiful and powerful piece of music called "The Arch" by Milo Black of England. While listening to it, I found myself singing a melody along with it. Milo has graciously allowed me to place this song online. I recommend going to his website, www.mp3.com/MiloBlack, and listening to his wonderful compositions. |
MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring
Credits: Music by Milo Black. Vocals and Lyrics by Janet Murphy |
THANKS FOR TAKING THIS SONG TO # 1. "The sky will be bursting, the Lord will suddenly appear. Some are gonna run, some are gonna hide, some will have joy!" This song takes you around the world finding people doing very natural things at this very supernatural moment. I'm so blessed that I can believe even if I can't comprehend. |
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it!
CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring
The scoffers say "He'll never come back, He'll never come back" But how can you stop the rain and snow? The Lord will be back. |
MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: 90 Proof
"It's been a long time since I've had an answered prayer. You know the frosting and icing kind, that just lets me know my Daddy's there. A prayer filled with desire, nothing to do with need. I just need to know my Daddy's thinking about me." THANKS FOR TAKING THIS SONG TO # 1. |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
Hard seeing the kids grow up...and falling in love. Even though finding true love is what you've always wanted for them, it's still hard to let go. |
MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
God pursues each one - the decision to respond and not get shut out from His love and protection is ours. This song was featured in Spiritual Blues in February 2000. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
THANKS FOR GETTING THIS SONG TO #1!!!Sorta "bluesy" with some good riffs. Suburban wives and mothers can get buried in all that's expected and get lost in it. You can't love someone else if you can't love yourself. This song was featured in Blues Vocals in May 2000. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
New Orleans is called the "Big Easy" but is it really? This song was selected for mp3.com's Mardi Gras Greeting Cards. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
Disagreement, then "healing" |
MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it! MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
Can you guess who Siren is?? (Pronounced Sireen). |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
Smooth and easy. We all need to hear a kind word, right? A drop of kindness - someone's ocean today. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it!
Let life's hurts and disappointments be used to help others - stay soft and good. Many stories here - one of which is about my stillborn daughter, Joy Christine. This song was selected for featured artist in Pop Vocals. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: 90 Proof - buy it!
CD: Lonly Pilgrim
God speaks to us in those silent, lonely valleys. This song was featured in Christian Pop in August 2000. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it! MP3.com CD: Paid Back - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
THANKS FOR TAKING THIS TO #1!!! "Never met a man like you, willing to wait for me. Even when I'm dirty like coal, you long to touch me. Bright morning star...Jesus you are." This song was selected for mp3.com's Easter Greeting Cards |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
A song that rocks - been to the point of suicide lately? - this one's for you then.
Hear what God has to say about it. |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
"Always hope for a hopeless romantic" |
MP3.com CD: Turn My Winter Into Spring - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
So, how is the age of Aquarius shaping up?
Is it like the Fifth Dimension sang about years ago? "Peace will guide the planets, love will steer the stars"? Or is it wicked? With all this increase in knowledge, what have we learned? What have we forgotten?
Credits: Lyrics by Janet and Tim Murphy |
THIS SONG WAS WRITTEN MANY YEARS AGO, BUT IN LIGHT OF THE TRAGEDY THAT HIT OUR NATION AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER, I THOUGHT IT WAS MEANINGFUL AT THIS TIME. "The sorrow was too deep, the fires burned so hot, that Peter Jennings on the evening news tonight, he cried alot. He couldn't understand how this great land could lose it's touch." |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
Is there a stranger that lives within you whom you don't understand?? |
CD: Fresh Desert
"Once in awhile, someone comes along that I can talk to". I haven't found that many people I can really "talk to"....have you? |
CD: Fresh From The Desert
A song about the lying that goes on in relationships. "You're like something out of Eden, baby, you've been deceiving, and all this time, I was believing....." |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert
Credits: Lead guitar played by Ryan Murphy in one take |
Where's prophets like John the Baptist - who put their money where their mouth is, even unto death? "Is our life on the line?" |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
Humorous, yet serious description of today's televangelist. My husband, Tim, plays the televangelist |
MP3.com CD: Lonely Pilgrim - buy it!
CD: Lonely Pilgrim
Waiting for the doctor to call with the results of a biopsy...."what a strange conversation that will be". I'll have to rely on the Lord's carrying me for that one. |
MP3.com CD: Fresh From The Desert - buy it!
CD: Fresh From The Desert