The lyrics date to the 1200's and are of Middle English origin. The tune is original. Most likely written as a tribute to Mary, the mother of Jesus, this song holds within it the key to the feminine divine."A mother and a maidenthere were none but she",are the two faces of the goddess. The third is the Crone. The aspect of Crone is most often celebrated from equinox through Samhain. The power of the crone in her solitary state wanes as she becomes the maiden who conceives of her own will. I address some aspects of Crone in the song Winter's Come. |
CD: A Yuletide Celebration
Written during a stay with my Grandmother on her farm. It depicts the strength of being alone and the pain of loneliness. One aspect of the Croneis that the next step is to become a maiden again.Love and fulfillment, loss and bereavement are balanced in the seasons, in the divine, and in our lives as humans. |
CD: A Yuletide Celebration
Credits: Kari Tauring, vocals/guitar. Lisa Fuglie, violin. Pete Mathison, Upright Bass |
A simple song of celebration at the continuance of the cycle of life. A song of praise for the attributes of selflessness and promises kept, god-like qualities we should all emulate. |
CD: A Yuletide Celebration
Another song of celebration, of joy, of affirming the Mother and offering support for the mother/child relationship. It is a delicate and extremely important time, the first few weeks after birth. The world has been dark and the light, barely perceptible, comes slowly to us, a gift. We strengthen our committment to the divine, to one another, and to the health of the Earth when we celebrate the Yule in this way. |
CD: A Yuletide Celebration
Recorded for "Voices in the Wilderness" - A music project of Minnesota Against War. Available online at http://www.dreamhorse.net/ |
CD: Voices in the Wilderness
Label: Dreamhorse Records
Credits: Kari Tauring, vocals, Kip Overbo Percussion, vocals, Matt Yetter, Mandolin, Leo M Whitebird, David Wiggins, Choir |
Recorded with Kari's band "Daughters of Gaia" - including Sue Birch and Gina Citoli from Alchemy VII. |
Faith in me is about the passion someone feels when they admit to believing in the higher being in a cynical and atheistic world. It is about taking a leap of faith into the greater unknown. It also emphasizes the Mother-God as a viable religious connection. |
MP3.com CD: Faith in Me - buy it!
CD: Faith in Me
This song was written in 1990 as my "coming out of the broom closet" song. It tells of my journey as a young girl down the path to the Feminine Divine through the Willow Tree I grew up in, the moon I felt the connection to, and the statue of Mary at the Catholic Church accross the street from where I lived.Featured on witchvox.com's Bardic Circle - 1/15/01! |
MP3.com CD: Faith in Me - buy it!
Recorded for "Voices in the Wilderness" - A music project of Minnesota Against War. Available online at http://www.dreamhorse.net/ |
CD: Voices in the Wilderness
A groovin' track. Kari's amazing vocals are backed by Matt Yetter's brilliant lead guitar work and Tom Grant's bluesy harp.#2 in Folk Rock 8/26/00! |
MP3.com CD: Faith in Me - buy it!
CD: Faith in Me
MP3.com CD: Faith in Me - buy it!
The Courtship.This song re-tells one of the first creation myths. It shows how the aspects of male and female exist within the Creator just as they do within us. |
MP3.com CD: Yule 2000 Live! - buy it!
Acting as midwives to the birth of the Sun, we chant, dance and drum together, we are like the elephants who suround one giving birth. We add our energy, our support, and our love for the safe delivery of the new child. |
MP3.com CD: Yule 2000 Live! - buy it!