This is one of my favorites. When it was being composed, I was in a place where I needed some inner peace. I think you'll get the idea of what I mean. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards & Bass/ Kevin Brennan - Guitars/ Darren Lambeth - Sax / Al Zwerling - Drums |
You have to take the time to catch your breath every once in a while and grab some space of your own. Find the time or the room to "Breathe". |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: Written By: JP Savino - Performed By:JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums/ Kevin Brennan - Guitar |
One day I was thinking what it would be like
to gather up all the meaningful memories and events that happen in a persons lifetime then make music to them.
If you sit back and relax while listening to this tune I think you'll start to feel and see your own memories come to mind. To me, when I hear this tune it effects me like an old Black & White movie and I'm just watching all of the places I've been physically & emotionally. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino |
One of my influences when I started writing New Age Music was a group called Tangerine Dream. I think this is in the realm of thier sound with a touch of Pink Floyd as well.
Get ready to mellow out!
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Bass & Keyboards/ Sherry Tomaino - Guitar |
When your caught up in the everyday grind and
things are getting tough, this song has a big calming effect and reminds me to have patience because all things do turn around
for the better! And so I wait....
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: Written By: JP Savino - Performed By:JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums/ Kevin Brennan - Guitar |
A perspective of looking back at the paths one takes in thier lifetime and now seeing the outcome of what is or could've been because of those choices. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino |
Candles lit on a nice spring night, the window is just opened a little so you can hear the rain outside. Your with somone special so let the wine the music and the romance take over! |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Bass & Keyboards / Kevin Brennan - Guitar / Al Zwerling - Drums / Darren Lambeth - Sax / Jane Doe - Moans |
This reminds me of an orchestrated dance perfomance. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino |
Reflections is what I relate to relationships, Every single one is different and you learn just a little more every time you move forward. Just as the song starts out subtle and then it grows. Check it out... |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Basses, Keyboards & Drums |
A very groovy instrumental |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums/ Kevin Brennan - Guitars / Darren Lambeth - Sax |
This song was my first attempt at crossing New Age with a Groove feel. If You remember or listen to the Wheather Channel then you'll get the idea that's what inspired this song.. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums/ Kevin Brennan - Guitars |
This has a Smooth Jazz type groove. One night it just came out of nowhere and I recorded it. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards & Bass / Kevin Brennan - Guitar / Al Zwerling - Drums |
I'm a huge believer in the idea that we all
cross paths from time to time with our soul
mates. Some stay and some leave.
Some of us don't even realize what we have
until it's gone!
Well, this song is about never taking
anyone or anything for granted in the time
that you share together. If you take a
listen, in the first part of the song it's like calling out but there's no response, and then the next part is about
all the memories you shared which in turn is all you have to hold on to.
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums/ Kevin Brennan - Guitar |
The truth about all things in a lifetime is that sooner or later it has to come to an end. Sometimes things end sooner than you would like or even expect for that matter.This song is all about realizing the impact and then letting go. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino |
A Sade type of groove. |
MP3.com CD: Utopian Sky - buy it!
Credits: JP Savino - Keyboards, Bass & Drums / Kevin Brennan - Guitars / Sherry Tomaino - Vocals / Darren Lambeth - Sax |
The idea of what it feels like when someone or comes into your your life for a short time
and then they are gone. Just like the wind! |
CD: Utopian Sky
Credits: JP Savino - Bass, Keyboards, Drums / Kevin Brennan - Guitar |
R&B tune, Check it out! |
Credits: JP Savino - Bass, Keyboards / Kevin Brennan - Guitar / Darren Lambeth - Sax / Al Zwerling - Drums / Karina Gonzales - Vocals |