"Adoration," is aptly named. It's an outstanding piece of musical craftsmanship. There is a delicate piano part that carries throughout. When this part is wed to the succeeding effects and beats, the result is...the darkside of a spiritual experience. I adored this near gothic gem - Starvox magazine |
CD: Sonoluminescence
Label: The Orchard
Credits: Reprobus |
"This Track kicks in with a sound reminiscent of the electro-industrial band Apoptygma Berserk. It then slowly breaks away into an ambience that sends chills up my spine, which eventually gets cut up by some nice break beats and some beautifully grimy knob-turning" - Tom Gilbert (www.hipnosis.com)
This track is one of eight on the new CD "Sonoluminescence" available for purchase at www.cdnow.com |
CD: Sonoluminescence
Label: The Orchard
Credits: Reprobus |
Dark, and Ambient, with a nice classical influence. The kick's still solid enough to make you wanna hit the dance floor. This is the title track from the new CD availabe from www.cdnow.com |
CD: Sonoluminescence
Label: The Orchard
Credits: Reprobus |