Another demo-phonic recording, the guitar didn't come out very loud in the mix, so by the end of February I will try and have it re-mixed and post the better version up. Same story with "Her Dad Hates Me", but now on to the song: It's fast, it's fun, it's about a space-girl, what more do you want? |
MP3.com CD: This Party Sucks! - buy it!
CD: unreleased
"If you really love me, you'll let me eat your brains...." my favorite line from Return Of The Living Dead and partial inspiration for this song. |
MP3.com CD: This Party Sucks! - buy it!
CD: unreleased
The full title of this song is "(Fuck You & Your Baggy Pants You Fucking) Mallrat". The beauty of this song lies in its simplicity. A two-word chorus, and the verse only has three lines, one of which is repeated. Thus far this has been going over very well live. Recorded to 1 track of a 4-track in our practice space. Totally demo-phonic sound quality. |
MP3.com CD: This Party Sucks! - buy it!
CD: Unreleased