A song about your "nearest and dearest". This song contains lots of Rhodes organ and harmonica making it somewhat reminiscent of an old "Steely Dan" sound. |
CD: Tick
Label: Renaissance Sound
Credits: Copyright & Publushing 2002, Laurence Roscoe - Socan/BMI |
A change of pace. Unlike many of our other songs which tend to engage the listener into an introspective look at themselves or the people around them, Bipolar is a very up-beat and happy-go-lucky tune. The contrast between the happy mood of the tune and the subject matter somewhat reflects that actual nature of the Bipolar disorder.
CD: Paradox
Label: Renaissance Sound Studios
Credits: Written and Performed by Laurence Roscoe |
A song which deals with the notion of how people from your past, which have had a dramatic impact on your life, can sometimes tend to haunt you in later years. |
CD: Tick
Label: Renaissance Sound Studio's
Credits: Performed by Laurence Roscoe - Copyright & Publishing 2002, Roscoe Project |