Now, that you’ve left me for dead
I’ll never love again, I promise you that
Please, don’t you ever forget
There’s places in me, that you hadn’t been to yet
For I needed you more, than I’ve ever needed before
I died, that night. . . It’s so cold, so cold inside
Lest, this dark heart of mine
Wounded through years, scarred over time
Could live, for so many years has wept
For promises made, could be promises kept
For I need you more, than I’ve ever needed before
I died, that night. . . It’s so cold, so cold inside
And unto I, bestow another lonely soul
Wholly incapable to deny myself, but if I had my way
I could regain control and dismiss the woe
Only to be free of your ghost
Woman, now you’ve left me for dead
I’ll never love again, I promise you that