Sadaam will like this one, the little chicken.
The song tells the story of what actually
happened to him during the Iraq war. This
might be offensive to Sadaam lovers. |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance by Mondo Fax |
If we could just get these jerks fighting with each other. Here's how OSAMA would take care of Sadam Hussein! Listen to the "PEOPLE OF THE VILLAGE!" |
Label: GlassPalm
Credits: Lyrics, Music, Arrangements, Performance - Mondo Fax |
Osama, you're toast, as sung by Joan Suez! Find out where Osama is getting his next tan! |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: OKLAHOMOPHOBIA!-OSAMA - buy it!
Label: GlassPalm
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Performance Mondo Fax, the Singing Judge aka Alan Glasser |
"Fiddler On The Roof" Meets the Impeachment |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
Everybody hates lawyers! But Mondo is one,
and he's not afraid to make fun of himself.
This "Kander and Ebb" takeoff does it. |
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Lyrics, Music and Performance - Mondo Fax |
Finally a march which chronicles the completestupidity of the legislative, executiveand judicial branches of the government.Watch out! |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, performance, arrangement by Mondo Fax |
A Gilbert and Sullivan Mikado takeoff dealing with the serious issue of teen pregnancy. |
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Arrangements Mondo Fax, the Singing Judge aka Alan Glasser |
Road rage turns into a hilarious 3-partdramedy about flipping people off on the LA Freeways. |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Words, music, arrangements, performances by Mondo Fax |
Those poor flight attendants! What they go through, and what we poor passengers go through. |
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Arrangements Mondo Fax, the Singing Judge aka Alan Glasser |
A hempy girl-group take-off complete with
aspirations and flushes. One of Dr. Demento's
played songs. |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
A sexy Latin ballad satirizing the ups anddowns of sexual harassment in the workplace. |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it! MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: All music, lyrics, arrangements and performances by Mondo Fax |
It's the power pushing penny pinching polka parade with MONDO FAX and he meshes several styles together to make this patchwork piece. Don't forget to listen to the Android Sisters boogie down! |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: OKLAHOMOPHOBIA!-OSAMA - buy it!
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Arrangements Mondo Fax, the Singing Judge aka Alan Glasser |
Mondo's Christmas tribute chronicles the
story of a Dad who gets caught in Christmas
insanity! |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance, Mondo Fax |
The seven dirty words you can never say
according to the Supreme Court . . . but
they didn't tell us not to SING them! |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Performance by Mondo Fax |
Peter and Muffy sing a folk-style plea for
legislators to stay out of our bedrooms.
Not for young children. |
MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Performance - Mondo Fax |
God knows a Gay Boy can be a country boy, too! |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it! MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance by Mondo Fax |
Mel Torment and Eatie Buffet spoof the smooth
Sinatra styles, and give their opinion about
people who refuse to curb their dogs. A Dr.
Demento favorite. |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Performance by Mondo Fax |
A surf tune with all the new hi techterminology at www.surfin.com! |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangements, performance by Mondo Fax |
The unemployment conga!!!! |
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Lyrics, Music, Arrangements, Performance - Mondo Fax |
This song, made popular by Rick Dees, was
written by Mondo, and is a poignant power
ballad directed at someone you hate! |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Words, Music and Performance - Mondo Fax |
Every Mexican dish and beverage you can think
of makes up this non-sensical Mariachi delight. |
MP3.com CD: mondofax.comedy - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, and Performance, Mondo Fax |
It's not the "AVE MARIA" it's the "AVEMARIJUANA" done by a countertenor in fullchurch regalia. What kind of smoke is comingout of that swinging metal purse? |
MP3.com CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By - buy it!
CD: Music to Pee Your Pants By
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangements, performance by Mondo Fax |
A California Calypso/Bossa ditty (Margarita-ville-esque)about those young bodies on theSouthern California beaches that have noright to be wearing those thongs and bikinis! |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it! MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
Jack Kevorkian meets Maui Wowie, completewith ukeleles, Hawaiian guitar, and hulagirls! |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
The stupidity of governmental solutions is
reflected in this loungy-Latin song which
tells of the perils of being gay in the
military. |
MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance by Mondo Fax |
A flatulent look at the "Unknown Cafe" and
fast foods, a la TANGO! |
MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics, Performance - Mondo Fax |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
From Dunblane to Columbine, the senselesskilling of children by the gun, and the constant questioning of God . . . how couldthis happen? |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
California Calypso/Bossa beat defines thisslice of Southern California beach lifeimpressionist painting about lovers on silky-white sand. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
A California/country medium ballad about loveand betrayal from Mexico to the wind inNorth California. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
What does young Genevieve want when all shecould want is standing right in front of her. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
From Mondo Fax's musical, "ChristopherColumbus: the Live Album" this rock shufflesings of moving to the City to seek fame,fortune and romance. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, performance Mondo Fax (arr. Andre Mayeux) |
A California Calypso Bossa song which talksabout 'wishin' for the sun in So California'when you're caught in a Bistro on a beachin Bermuda, but still drinking Corona andDos Equis. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RevenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
An Irish-sounding folk tune which talks aboutthe old days, when we thought we were fightingfor each other's civil rights, just to findout that while you fought for their rights,they have no intention of fighting for yours. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
Taboo relationships are uncovered in thismodal folk-picking song, which talks aboutthe long time it takes to "turn the tide" |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
A light rock tribute to those who put upwith cheating significant others, and whohave finally give up on them. High crimesand misdemeanors. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
This new "standard" features fingered jazzguitar chords, and an outstanding lyricwith simple jazz trio origins. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
A cantonove is a folk song with 3 partsrepeated. (A) a tone poem (B) the hook sectionand (C) the moral of the story. Legend paintsa picture of love and adventure, overgolden seas. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
Fingerpicking guitar marks this traditionalsounding song about the important thingsin life, helping hands and others. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, arrangement, performance - Mondo Fax |
A rock ballad from "Christopher Columbus:the Live Album" depicting that moment of realization that it would be better for theother person, and more loving, simply to letthem go, even though it's nobody's fault. |
MP3.com CD: Aquamarine - buy it!
CD: Aquamarine
Label: RavenHill Records
Credits: Music, lyrics, performance Mondo Fax. Arr. Andre Mayeux |
"We got the means to fiddle with our genes!"
is the cry from this takeoff on all the
crazy cryogenic, mutating, Dolly stuff we're
doing these days. |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
Broadway Buffs will love this send up on
Sondheim who can beat a rhyme to death, al-
though brilliantly. Followed by another
showstopper from "Guys and Guys"! |
MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Political Asylum
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
Eric and Lyle Menendez get their come uppance
in this Mel Torment/Eatie Buffet big band
version which tracks the Menendez trial. |
MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance - Mondo Fax |
A sassy Latin ditty memorializing the Lorena
Bobbit story. |
MP3.com CD: SEXY SATIRES FOR STRAIT OR GAY - buy it! MP3.com CD: Political Asylum/Bonus - buy it!
CD: Temporary Profanity
Label: Ravenhill Records
Credits: Music, Lyrics and Performance, Mondo Fax |