Quirky sounding track that reminds me of Luke Viberts Wagon Christ or Plug but not that crappy last CD with bj cole. |
Credits: Azrael & TapeGerm.com |
At all times Sad - Hopeful - Sexy - Threatening. Anyone that has loved a Goddess knows what I'm talking about. |
Credits: Azrael and Tapegerm: Bergman, CRT, Heuristics inc., McDonald |
Strange mix of Drum & Bass, Breakbeats and dance.
Remix for DBE dopebeatezekiel / Electronic Attack.
Additional loops from Tapegerm: Midi Queen, Fields of Gravity and HardcorePromo.com
Credits: ©Azrael and Samples: © DBE dopebeatezekiel / Electronic Attack. |
MegaScorpion.com remix I did for Mental Anguish. |
Credits: Azrael & Mental Anguish & Megascorpion.com & additional loops by LNA |
Remix I did for Late Night Adventurers.
Check them out at:
Find more remix opportunities at:
http://www.MegaScorpion.com |
Credits: Azrael & LNA & Megascorpion.com |
This track starts off with a nice little tune and slowly devolves into a crunchy cacophany of noise. It is about being on a battle field and everything slowly comming unstitched before your eyes. |
Credits: Azrael, Adam is God & Tapegerm.com |
This song was made with TapeGerm.com loops from all of the artists in loops pack 6, PLUS loops from loop packs 2-5, and guest loop packs by HardcorePromo, MidiQueen nd Therefore. Plus original loops and who knows what else. It's a throbing undulating mass of fear and hesitation. Enjoy and be happy... |
Credits: Azrael, TapeGerm.com and it's artists |
Hard hitting distorted remix of sounds from mp3.com/MIDI_Queen mixed in conjunction with TapeGerm.com Guest Artist Remix series. |
Credits: Azrael/Midi Queen/TapeGerm.com |
This is dedicated to those bastards that wake me up each Thursday - the Garbagemen. |
Credits: Azrael and TapeGerm.com |
An ancient creature, lost in a nightmare, wakes with a scream... |
Credits: Azrael & Therefore & Tapegerm.com |
High gear, ass kicking mix made with some of my loops at TapeGerm.com by Nemo. Check out more neck breaking tunes by Nemo at: /artists/314/lil_nemo.html |
Credits: Azrael / Nemo / Tapegerm.com |
The scene opens with our hero's stranded and lost in the belly of the great alien ship. The aliens attempt an ambush but that only serves to piss-off our hero's who begin what can only be described as... a slaughter. |
Credits: Arael / Tapegerm.com / HardcorePromo.com |
Ambient version of Belaj Amikoj. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Azrael |
Composed this for TapeGerm.com from their loop pack #2. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Composition, loop manipulations += Azrael // Loops +=TapeGerm.com members Carr and McCoy |
Randolph Matazino doesn't get out often. In fact, he
doesn't even leave the attic very often. To those that
do know him, he is Raz Mataz. He likes to listen to his
old phonograph records. He also likes to listen to his
ham radio. Sometimes when he is feeling especially well...
he dances with the spiders. "The ladies" as he likes to
call them, are very enamored with his fast and fancy foot
work. Sometimes so much as to lead to their very demise.
Their only wish is that he would figure out that
phonographs play at 2 speeds and his speed is most surely
not the right one for his records. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Loops = TapeGerm.com : Mental Anguish / DeVico / Sin / International Garbageman / EarHox :||: Loop Arrangement + Manipulation = Azrael |
This is another TapeGerm.com collaboration. It deals with how amazingly wonderful and horrible terrible life can be from one second to the next. And how when something goes wrong for me, I just have to look at the freaking lucky deck of cards I've been dealt and then nothing can get me down. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Loop manipulations/arrangement: Azrael *|* Loops from Tapegerm.com: Phinney/Mental Anguish, DeVico, Sin:Ned/Dennis Wong and EarHox |
What is it that can make an innocent child grow up to be a cold blooded killer? What secretes do they hide behind their stark eyes? |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Azrael |
A stranger joins the caravan.
The hours drag by, counted by the clatter of the waggons.
Guitar by fire light.
Midnight love affaire shrouded by the silence.
Lovers caught.
A chase.
The stranger departs... |
Credits: Loops: Jim Shelley + TapeGerm -:||:- Arrangement and manipulations: Azrael |
A fun little song about Spring. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Azrael |
They call to me. They wisper erotic nothings in my ear when I'm not looking. The promise they will do anything I want. All I have to do is just lie down in the snow with them. Just close my eyes and feel their kisses like snow flakes until I become so tired, so heavy I can't move. Until I feel like my eye's are frozen shut. Until I can do nothing but slip into the enternal dream... |
Credits: Azrael |
Well I started off with the intention that this song would be a mellow trip-hop tune. As you will hear though, I strayed a bit from my original intentions. I like it though. My most structured song to date. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Azrael - Music |
Still haven't gone to bed. Starting to hallucinate... starting to hear voices... Late at night all the little demons come home to roost. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Music - Azrael, Samples - Samplecity.com and dailywav.com |
My most aggressive song yet. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Label: N/A
Credits: Music - Azrael, Samples - http://www.linktrade.f2s.com/samples/index.html |
Drum and Bass with moody overtones. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Label: N/A
Credits: Azrael - Music; T and E - inspiration |
Dark. Sparse. Imagine it is dawn in the woods. There is fresh snow. The air is crisp, sounds are crisper. Your senses alive. Breath is quick and the heart races as you make your way through the snow to your lovers arms... |
Credits: Azrael |
An elephant climbs down from his tree to go skipping while dark and sinister forces conspire against him from the shadows. But the elephant, always a tough one to deter from skipping, just keeps going without a single sideways glance until he comes full circle to his tree house. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Credits Composition, loop manipulations += Azrael // Loops +=TapeGerm.com members Carr, McCoy, Cyid and Devico |
It's a lonely night with only the sounds from the party upstairs to keep me company... |
Label: N/A
Credits: Azrael |
Created drums in Hammerhead then imported them into Fruity loops for this upbeat song. |
Label: N/A
Credits: Azrael |
Sometimes I stay up all night until my wife tells me to come to bed... |
Credits: Azrael - Music, Vocal Samples - http://www.dailywav.com/ |
Just playing around with FruityLooops. |
Credits: Azrael |
The scene opens with our hero's stranded and lost in the belly of the great alien ship. The aliens attempt an ambush but that only serves to piss-off our hero's who begin what can only be described as... a slaughter. |
MP3.com CD: Belaj Amikoj - buy it!
Credits: Arael / Tapegerm.com / HardcorePromo.com |