good descriptive lyrics accomanied by fun upbeat music |
Credits: Dave Bowen, lyrics, music,recording,instruments & production |
Great song about just wanting to hear something happy. No more no less. Just a fun little ditty |
Credits: Dave Bowen, lyrics, music, intstrumenst,vocals |
Feel with your eyes, metaphorically describing nice things one sees but cant always touch |
Credits: Dave Bowen, Barbara Slide |
Some ruff things are nice. |
Credits: Just me |
A pop song kinda laid back dreamy kinda thing
Credits: Dave Bowen, instruments, lyrics, arrangment, recording & production |
Just a quick song about being a juvenile delinquent nothing bad or intentional harmful just having fun Things that are important when having fun arent always the best thing to do But at least they are fun |
CD: The Streets of Chichigoffia
Label: Home Aid Records
Credits: Josh the Iceberg Killa Barbara Bowen Daveyboy |
Upside down combines a raw hiphop rap rock approach to the music with lyrics that are both meaningful but spacy with kind of a everybody feels it type setting |
CD: The Streets of Chichigoffia
Label: Home Aid Records
Credits: Daveyboy |
Old School meets New School Nearly 20 years difference in age Josh and Dave Legalize My Legal Eyes, shows that old dogs can learn new tricks and new dogs can learn old tricks.
Music The Universal Language.. Peace brotha Praise Life. |
Label: Home Aid Records Alaska
Credits: Josh Dybdahl aka. Iceberg Killa for lyrical contribution and vocals, Daveyboy for arrangment,instruments,lyrics, recording & production |
Techno-Patriotic Song, techno beat with meaningful lyrics. A Pro-America song so to speak. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records
Credits: Daveyboy,bass,drums,guitar,vocals,lyrics,arrangement and recording, Jane Bachman and Disc Makers/Art &Printing. |
Midnight Deejay was written for anyone who likes a good time The lyrics are very enjoyable and after three times remixing it it is staying like it is. At least until I can get off my rock and get to civiliztion. Or maybe even a real recording studio Oh My. |
Credits: I credit the California sun, fun, radios, freeways, and yes Radio Deejays. And all the Girls to dance with. |
Unsigned song about concenting couples enjoying concenting. No lude language the song has adult subject matter with no adult or explicit words. Clean lyrics and subject for adults. Its not dirty or nasty. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records , Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy, owner operator of Home Aid Records |
A boy meets girl or girl meets boy song. Setting is any beachy, warm sunny day breezy nigts setting. The feeling is mutual and both just want to make their feelings clear. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Unsigned Artist, Song Veil of Time is an outhere song about how time fly's whether your having fun or not. Smooth,sleek and pretty. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records, artisted owned and operate in Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy |
This song is a "got to" for fun. Its tricky song about the girls on the beach in Southern California. It is the short version of the song. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records
Credits: Jane Bachman, Disc Makers, my family & myself |
Unsigned, Song was written to break Alaskan Winter Blues. Anyone living in the colder climates can relate to the wiles of cabin fever in the Winter. A good song to just escape for a few minutes. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records , Hoonah, Juneau & Sitka Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy, Alaska, snow, cold, Cabin Fever |
Unsigned, Song about 4 famous, gorgeous women
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records , Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy, Barbara Ryan, Christine Aguilera, Cindy Crawford, Shania Twain |
A song of personal discover about my need for feeding my spirit spiritual food. And that Earthly food does not feed the spirit but true honest spiritual food feeds the whole body and ones life. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records, Southeast Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy, the King James bible, my mom and life |
Unsigned Artist, Song written about a friends suffering from a loss of a girl friend. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records Hoonah, Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy and Joshs girl troubles. |
Unsigned song about the two sides of being a commercial fishermen. Glad to be going and wishin to home. |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Home Aid Records, Hoonah Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy, the ocean, commercial fishing |
Unsigned, smooth mellow song that makes positive out of negative |
CD: Vertigo Clouds
Label: Alaska
Credits: Daveyboy |