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    Spiral Attic started as a collective group in late 1993, as Paul George and James Glover began working on some alternative songs they had written together. They began incorporating the accoustic guitar of Eric Meyer, who with James Glover later wrote a number of songs together on their own for the band. Eric did only performed with the band a few times, as we were into a live electric sound that was spontaneous and thunderous, a blend of Phish and Santana, Jazz, and Doors music all rolled together. Eric was comfortable in the folk rock accoustic setting, which faired well for some great songwriting. As the band grew, and bassist Chris Wall and percussionist and drummer Giovani Travez joined the group, Paul George left the band. James and Paul had history, but a new page was being written. Giovani and James secured a band house, in a hilly neighborhood, with a great backyard for parties, eleven trees, sofas everywhere, and a basement made for jamming. Bill Drury, and Matt Porco joined the group and moved into the house, and Chris secured a permanent slacker position on the living room sofa. He was the most skilled bassist we had seen, so we let him chill for free for about a year. The core of the bands writing and performing was a brief but powerful and active period between about March 1994 until the band broke up close to New Years eve of that year. That is ten months that were magical and were practically unrecorded. There are some surviving live tracks from a session with Matt Fischer at DC by Night's practice studios, which have survived and can be heard here. James being sick that day struggles vocally, but the band was brilliant. There are untold numbers of rehearsal basement tapes that are lost forever. After the band broke up James and Chris moved to New Jersey, and it is there, that James recorded with Eric Meyer in a quiet reflective setting an album of accoustic songs that had been written by Eric and James, and they are performed here with Chris and studio engineer and Guitar impressario Matt(a different one), god forgive me i can't remember his name. The accoustic tracks from these recording are the accoustic tracks you hear at, and the band tracks are from the only recording of that band. To appreciate the energy and creative force that can occur completely by chance, with the combination of a random group of player is always difficult to realise while it is happening. We played kinetically and could speak without words as a band, and in just 2 months after forming the band began to gain steam quickly. If i was to guess I would say there were about 30 or more live shows, some of them quite significant. Numerous reviews, an appearance on a TV show, and a good sized fan base....all destroyed as quickly as it was created. A storm had brewed quickly, and the memories of those nights will live forever in our collective conscious. If Chris Wall, Matt Porco, and Bill Drury are out there, Giovani and James are alive and well in Europe and Eric is married in the mountains of America....if you fellas are out there, phone home, we would love to hear from you. Love always, Jamie Glover
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    "Apple Core"genre: Acoustic
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    This is the story of a homeless man, and showing you how he sees life on his terms. The city block is his, and as he reflects on the past he looks to the city skies, and the gargoyles for protection and security of memory. Written by Eric Meyer and James Glover and performed here accoustic.
    CD: Spiral Attic : memories, visions, dreams   Label: self produced
    Credits: Eric Meyer, James Glover, Chris Wall and N.J. Matt
    "Break"genre: Alternative Country
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    A song for Lisa, a man has found a woman burned and falls for her healing himself in the process.
    CD: Spiral Attic : Dreams, Visions, Memories
    Credits: James Glover, Eric Meyer, Chris Wall, Matt
    "Raindrops"genre: Alternative General
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    A tempist storm carries a man into flight
    CD: Spiral Attic : Dreams, Visions, Memories
    Credits: james glover, chris wall, giovani travez, bill drury, matt porco
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