Cheap Holiday ..... count us in. The old adage about holidaying in other people's misery cannot be dismissed. Read the small print carefully. Drums played with brushes, PRS sounding like a Fender. Thoughts of an island somewhere hotter ... where thoughts are turned to a recording studio somewhere colder. Escaping from the routine and building a new one over fourteen nights of getting away from it. If I could do the same thing this year then I would do it. Which side of the fence do you sit? |
Credits: Markus Badger/Andy Lloyd |
Cashmere ..... a rocking riff demanding volume, I believe. Thanks for coming and stuff, is the opening line and is worth its weight in coal. Just who is being exploited here - us or you? Wisely, bets are hedged just in case you, dear punter, feel patronised. As if. Guitars aplenty on this tune. It's a black Les Paul and a PRS doing the damage. May well be a song to play when the boss is telling other people that you are not a regarded member of his staff. Swivel on this, fat man! That told him. You're a background noise as we sip our beer - you are being deliberately hurtful. Do you think for one moment that it matters?
Credits: Written by Andy Lloyd |
Like I've Been Thinking About Leaving the Building ... a whispering bank of ba ba ba ba ba backing vocals usher in the unattractive proposition of urine in the hall way and special newspaper features about lucky winners. Life in the tower block could be everything you hoped for. How low are your expectations? They are pulling your leg, aren't they? Everything is lovely, lovely, lovely and there are never enough hours in the day to watch all the good things on TV. Oh, and good luck to everyone who has won the lottery. I speak in no particular accent when I say LEAVE IT OUT! Nice Lowden guitars again, nice hand percussion which is the real sound of the tower block. Have you ever lived anywhere nice? Please email Marina Del Ray and give us the details of your happy home. There will not be a lovely prize for the first twenty-five people to respond. Sugar coated grimness you could sing along to? Yeah. |
Credits: Written by Andy Lloyd |