A softer funky but upbeat track with bouncy acidic 404s, deep bassline, my final track in my live setup, performed at Havana 30-12-2003. |
CD: R101 EP (Cosmosis In Sine) CD1
Label: Klankstaal-Muziek
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Melodic funky track, inspired by the blues brothers. Rolling bassline, soft echoing synths, and a laidback beat. |
CD: Fractalisation
Credits: Kai |
Another uptempo breaksy 4x4 techno based tune with stabbing pads, casacding junos, deep driving bass and goa melodies. Recorded live this summer (2003) |
Credits: Kai |
An ambient mix of R101 with a dub like bassline, bubbly soft funky acid 404 riffs, delay and pianos. Performed live at The Honest 17-4-03. |
CD: R101 EP (Cosmosis In Sine) CD2
Label: ElectraMento Records
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Lots of reverb washed guitair, phasing synths and a rough rolling 404, with lots of atmospherics, never really a track but just pieces spliced up. |
CD: Vertices - Selected Works 1999 - 2003
Label: PeaceWorks
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Alternating onbeat offbeat uptempo tune, develops into a bit off 4x4, dirty acid riffs, lots of delay and clean pads, performed live at The Honest 17-4-2003. |
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Midtempo bouncy funky rolling track with quirky 404s, a growling sh101 bassline, and a meaningful sample! |
CD: 'Fractalisation' and 'R101 EP'
Label: ElectraMento Records
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A softer slower remix of 'A New Hope', long bass pads, gentle reverb washed hats, rolling acid 404s and plucked guitars, thoughtful! |
CD: R101 EP (Cosmosis In Sine)
Label: ElectraMento Records
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Gentle harps, intertwining pianos, gentle string plucking, warm analogue bassline and lots of delay! |
CD: Fractalisation
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Gentle high synth pads with a flanging moving beat, building 303s and delayed 404s, and a warm sub bass line. |
CD: Fractalisation
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
An uptempo breaking track, with distorted bass and treble lines, phasing synth pads and breaking bass drums. |
CD: Fractalisation, R101 EP CD1, Vertices
Label: Klankstaal-Muziek, PeaceWorks
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A more upbeat track, breaking beats, glimmering synth lines, juno stabs and traditional delayed acidic 404s. |
CD: Fractalisation
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A faster remix of the 'Bonus Fade' track on the 404 EP. Similar in setup but more up tempo, with flanging and distorted beats. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
An upbeat track with soft choir and warm analogue pads, bouncing TS404s, and deep distorted TBL bassline. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Deep fat moog bass, plenty of filters sweeping broken beats, warm bass, and resonant synths. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A more upbeat track with a bouncing feeling, 3 404s, rolling basses, and breaking beats, chased by 1000 evil wasps!!! |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
An ambient blend of detailed soundscapes and gentle involving pads, gradually builds up. written mainly on a korg n5. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Fat distorted breaky beats, funky bouncing 404s and glimmering synth lines, with some echoing plucked strings. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
More light hearted upbeat track with, sweeping pads, distorted bass, squelcing 404s, has its darker moments. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Dark orchestral feel, gradually builds up, filtered beats, deep strings and dark samples. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Deep bass, rounded strings, 404 and industrial drum beat, finishing of with a lofi plucked synth. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Another ambient mix of 404, an atmospheric start and glimmering synth line, with phasing bass, cascading delays, broken beats and 404s. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Soft gentle synths and strings, over a simple deep beat. 404s and darker twists build as it progresses. Last track on the album. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
9mins of undeveloped work that never made it faded into a bonus mix. dark, funky, hard, and ambient all rolled together. |
CD: ACID Files
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
The 1st track of 'The Vortechs' and the original song from where the remixes developed on the '404' EP. |
MP3.com CD: 404 EP - buy it!
CD: 404 EP
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A remix of '404' written by James Simmons, thinned moving synth line, a funky but dark feeling 404, and a broken yet breaking beat. |
MP3.com CD: 404 EP - buy it!
CD: 404 EP
Credits: Kai Wiggins And James Simmons |
Slower ambient version of Bonus Fades, cool round bass, floating pads and echoing synths. |
MP3.com CD: 404 EP - buy it!
CD: 404 EP
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A 2nd attempt at a more ambient mix of '404', slower with a more orchestral and relaxed feel, lots of strings, a the 404 acid line, and delayed synth lines. |
MP3.com CD: 404 EP - buy it!
CD: 404 EP
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Ambient filtered rolling track with chemical acid 404s, echoing 303, and sweeping pads. |
MP3.com CD: 404 EP - buy it!
CD: 404 EP
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A remix of 'Voicechanger' by another Portsmouth artist - Voicechanger (Experimental/Post Rock). A flanging Vortechtral beat with more reverb plucking and strings. |
Credits: Kai Wiggins And Rob Walton |
Funky track with a funky beat, a squelching 404 bassline, sweeping ambient 303s, and flowing DX7 pads. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
More upbeat track, big distorted bass drum and heavy distorted bass line with 2 Ts404s crossing over them in a sea of delay. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
An beaty and funky track, fat warm synth pads, a distorted 404 bassline, guitair plucking solo, delayed 404 treble line with a chiff organ! |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A soft funky but upbeat track with acidic 404s, deep TBL bassline and finishing off with a flowing funky 303. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
An ambient track, initially started as a remix of 'Interstellar Battle Of The 404s', a rolling bassline, melodic soft pads, heavy delay on the 404s, industrial and environmental atmospherics. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
The last official track on the album, a 10 minute long ambient track with string ensembles, a distorted industrial beat and Ts404, and phasing atmospheric pads. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
The 2nd and last unofficial track on the album, sweeping 404s and light and funky bass line, slowly drowned out by increasing amounts of reverb. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A darker slightly industrial track. Conversion from wave file loses alot of the crispness and reverb. |
CD: Incandescent Orb
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A mellow track with floating synths with quite an intense but chilled beat. |
CD: The Vortechs
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A relatively short chilled track with guitar like plucking. |
CD: Incandescent Orb
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A very nice mellow track with a big background soundscape. Runs into 'Infinite Apoceclipse'. |
CD: Incandescent Orb
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
Last track on album, quite long and original, mixes in from 'Pure...'. |
CD: Incandescent Orb
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A more melodic track with a distant beat & flute. |
CD: None
Credits: Kai Wiggins |
A short, quite simplistic, slow and crawling track. |
CD: None
Credits: Kai Wiggins |