This foursome from Cologne, Germany, produces what I call "true ambient" music. This track, one of their more recent, combines some spacey electronica with some wonderful guitar that's a haunting reminder of the Grateful Dead's 'Dark Star'. (Andy Schmidt from Eclectic Connection )http://stations.mp3s.com/stations/201/eclectic_connection.html |
Label: SynGate (www.syngate.net)
Credits: Kopp - Schueller - Egginton |
Moving Back To Liquid Dreams suitably rounds of our live epic with a church organ sequence littered with electronic atmospherics, before collapsing into what can only be described as an aural equivalent of an HR Giger landscape, that after 3 or so minutes, finishes way too early. - Nigel Pennington 2001(www.krautrocknet.com)
CD: A long fade into virtual light
Label: SpaceForMusic - Records (www.spaceformusic.com)
Credits: Kopp - Schueller - Egginton |
A Tangerine Dream 73-75 inspired work - The main sequence was produced with Rolands Groove machine MC303 and this melody comes from e-mu emax - Just our "relook" to these nice and crazy days - |
Label: SynGate (www.syngate.net)
Credits: Kopp - Schueller - Egginton |