Rich Nelson -- electric guitar, bass, keyboards, and percussion/Russ Epker --percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words, drums and lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker β electric guitar, keyboards, bass & percussion/Jeff Clarke β words, lead & background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson keyboards, guitar & bass/Russ Epker lead guitar/Jeff Clarke drums, words & lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- Electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, drums, keyboards & percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson keyboards, electric & acoustic guitar & bass/Russ Epker electric & acoustic guitar & percussion/Jeff Clarke percussion, words & lead and background vocals/Guest: Randy Preston -- electric guitar |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- electric and acoustic guitar, bass, drums and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words, lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 4
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker guitar & bass/Jeff Clarke drums, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- keyboards, electric guitar, bass & drums/Jeff Clarke -- words & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson keyboards, guitar, acoustic guitar & bass/Russ Epker keyboards & lead guitar/Jeff Clarke drums, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- guitar, bass, keyboards and perucussion/Jeff Clarke -- words and lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 4
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- electric guitar, drums, bass & keyboards/Jeff Clarke -- words & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- acoustic and electric guitars/Jeff Clarke -- words, vocals and harmonica |
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- acoustic and electric guitar/Jeff Clarke -- words and vocals |
CD: Eclectica 4
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- guitar, keyboards and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words and lead & background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- electric and acoustic guitar, bass, drums and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words and lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 4
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboards & background vocals/Russ Epker -- percussion/Jeff Clarke -words & lead vocals |
CD: Eclectica 4
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker β electric guitar, keyboards, bass& percussion/Jeff Clarke β harmonica, words, lead & background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker β electric & acoustic guitar, keyboards, bass& percussion/Jeff Clarke β words, lead & background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectica Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- acoustic and electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboards & percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words, vocals and percussion |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- guitar, bass & keyboards/Jeff Clarke -- drums, words and lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- keyboards, acoustic & electric guitar, bass & drums/Jeff Clarke -- words & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- guitar, acoustic guitar, bass and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- drums, harmonica, percussion, words, and lead & background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker β electric & acoustic guitar, keyboards, bass& drums/Jeff Clarke β words, lead & background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectica Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson - keyboards, acoustic & electric guitar, bass & drums/Jeff Clarke - words and lead & background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- acoustic and electric guitar, bass & keyboards/Jeff Clarke -- words and lead and background vocals/Guest: Dave Sax -- drums |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- electric guitar, bass, keyboards and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words, drums, harmonica, lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records -- ASCAP Grunt Dog Publishing
Credits: Epker/Clarke |
Rich Nelson keyboards/Jeff Clarke words |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson keyboards & bass guitar/Russ Epker lead guitar & percussion/Jeff Clarke drums, harmonica, percussion, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker/Nelson -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- guitar, keyboards, bass & drums/Jeff Clarke -- words & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Nelson/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- keyboards/Russ Epker -- electric guitar, bass and keyboards/Jeff Clarke -- words, lead and background vocals/Guest: Dave Sax -- drums |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker/Nelson -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson drums, bass & keyboards/Russ Epker lead guitar and percussion/Jeff Clarke words, percussion & lead and background vocals/Guest: Thomas Jacob didgery doo |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker guitar, bass & percussion/Jeff Clarke keyboards, percussion, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson drums, keyboards, guitar, acoustic guitar & bass/Russ Epker keyboards/Jeff Clarke words & lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Nelson/Epker -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker keyboards, guitar, acoustic guitar, bass & drums/Jeff Clarke harmonica, words, percussion & lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson -- bass guitar/Russ Epker guitar and lead guitar, keyboards & percussion/Jeff Clarke drums, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker/Nelson -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- keyboards and percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words, lead and background vocals |
MP3.com CD: Shine - The Best of Eclectica - buy it!
CD: Eclectica 2
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke - Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Rich Nelson bass guitar/Russ Epker guitar, lead guitar & keyboards/Jeff Clarke -- drums, words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Epker/Nelson -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Russ Epker -- electric guitar, bass, keyboards & percussion/Jeff Clarke -- words & lead and background vocals |
CD: Eclectica 3
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Epker/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |
Steve Clarke keyboards/Jeff Clarke words, percussion & vocals |
CD: Eclectica 1
Label: Eclectic Muse Records
Credits: Clarke/Clarke -- Grunt Dog Publishing ASCAP |