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GRIGORI 3 | mp3.com/GRIGORI3 |
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NEWEST ADDITIONS: NEWS... TUESDAY, NOV.11TH AT OASIS 160, CHICAGO HTS,IL GRIGORI 3 WITH THE GENITORTURERS & HANZEL UND GRETYL! *PLEASE NOTE THIS IS AN ALL AGES SHOW. TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE SATURDAY OCT. 11TH THROUGH TICKETMASTER visit THE GENITORTURERS! visit HANZEL UND GRETYL! visit CLUB OASIS ONE SIXTY ! ***************** SUNDAY, OCT 19TH VISION NIGHT CLUB WITH: REVEREND AGONY/RS THEORY (Chicago's newest gothic/industrial/fetish) 640 N. DEARBORN Chicago,IL 312/266-2144 COVER-TBA/ PERFORMANCE STAGE & TIME -TBA visit chicago's new favorite Goth/industrial club -Vision Night Club! "NEWS" ***************************** RADIO ADDITIONS WXRX 104.9 FM ( Rockford, IL "THE X") REQUEST the GOTHIC RADIO REMIX OF "AWAKENING GR MIX" AT CHICAGO'S NOCTURNA WITH DJ SCARY LADY SARAH!! REQUEST GRIGORI 3 -"AWAKENING" THE "SYSTEM" OR "FEAST" ON REBEL RADIO CHICAGO-WKTA 104.70AM OR 1240 AM CALL CHICAGO'S REBEL RADIO AT #847-412-1431 NEXT CHICAGO AREA SHOW: ***Extra SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE who came out to TEXAS LOUNGE! **THANKS to EVERYONE who came out to Club Kryptonite! special thanks to REV AGONY,Rs Theory, WRXR, CHIS & THE BEHIND THE SCENE'S CREW at Club Kryptonite ( especially RUSS) VISIT "The X" WXRX 104.9 fm -ROCKFORD FAVORITES! Visit Club Kryptonite! Visit Reverend Agony! ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info "GRIGORI 3 's "Awakening" brings it down a few notches at the intro but then pulsates with a decent percussive electronic energy that simply caresses around some rather dark and tormented background sounds. This is a decidedly delightful track" Mike Ventarola-Dark Realms/Star Vox "GRIGORI 3 is a very quality dark heavy Goth rock band." Darklight /Wrapped In Wire "GRIGORI 3 sends forth an AMAZING Awakening" Jett Black-Gothic Beauty Magazine/Issue #8 "Songs like "Awakening" and "Megotholis" would feel at home both on the dance floor or on an alternative radio station with better production and in the car, turned up loud these songs MOVE you." Program Director/Gothic Radio Reviews/INFO featured in GOTHIC BEAUTY Magazine #8 Dark Realms Magazine #9 Outburn Magazine #19 SWAG MAGAZINE #1 BE SURE TO REQUEST -JUNE 2003 ISSUE /PARAGON MUSIC MAGAZINE -TO SEE GRIGORI 3 FEATURE email at: paragonmm@hotmail.com for a free copy!! READ: UPCOMING ISSUES OF -MIDWEST BEAT /MK ULTRA MAGAZINES FOR LIVE GRIGORI 3 VARIOUS PHOTOS(INCLUDING MOBFEST) HEAR GRIGORI 3 ON CHICAGO'S OWN REBEL RADIO!! SEE MORE GRIGORI 3 PHOTOS/REVIEWS! (INCLUDING MOBFEST) DOWNLOAD MORE GRIGORI 3 MUSIC! *********** LISTEN: TO REBEL RADIO AND REQUEST "THE SYSTEM", "AWAKENING", "SPECTRE" OR "NIGHT AIRE" VISIT REBEL RADIO WATCH: FOR GRIGORI 3 AROUND TOWN AND SPREAD THE WORD! BECOME A PART OF IT SUPPORT CHICAGO'S MUSIC-JOIN THE GRIGORI 3 STREET TEAM! stop by the GRIGORI 3 Message board to sign up DIRECTLY -or email us at info@GRIGORI3.COM! visit GRIGORI3.IUMA.COM FOR MORE GRIGORI 3 MP3s! **************** HEAR MORE GRIGORI 3'S SPECTRE MEGOTHOLIS AT IUMA CLICK HERE TO GO TO IUMA FOR MORE GRIGORI 3 SONGS! JUNE 2003 ISSUE /PARAGON MUSIC MAGAZINE featuring GRIGORI 3Interview - *Request GRIGORI 3 ON YOUR FAVORITE COLLEGE RADIO STATION -CHICAGO'S OWN WXAV 88.3 FM- AND HEAR "MEGOTHOLIS", "THE SYSTEM" OR CLUB FAVORITE "AWAKENING" VISIT WXAV.COM OR CALL the Studio REQUEST LINE AT: -773-298-3386 SEE MORE GRIGORI 3 PHOTOS! "TRISTE EDAD" RELEASE PROMO POSTER ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info and find out about Triste Edad ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info HEAR GRIGORI 3 To HEAR MORE GRIGORI 3 MP3 tracks... visit IUMA ( INDEPENDENT UNDERGROUND MUSICIANS ARCHIVES) or visit us at: GRIGORI3.COM GRIGORI 3 CLUB HIT "AWAKENING" NOW FEATURED ON ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info "THE BEST OF GOTHIC RADIO VOL.1" With Tracks from: The Aversion Collide SPF-1000 Die My Darling GRIGORI 3 This Morn'Omina Neikka RPM Element Wench Anathema Device Ego Likeness Christopher Mindless Faith The album is now available at: Visit HOT TOPIC! Visit SAM GOODY! Tower Records Visit Wherehouse Music! PURCHASE "BEST OF GOTHIC RADIO, VOL. 1" and other record stores near you! This album will be an instant must have, with club and radio hits from the different types of music from the genre. -Program Director Gothic Radio.com ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info Pick up the latest compilation release featuring Toronto Goth/Industrial favorites...including GRIGORI 3! "Spread the Madness" Visit Toronto-Goth Watch for Dekonstructkion Records "The Real Underground, V1.o" this Summer 2003 New Additions! REQUEST GRIGORI 3 SONGS "AWAKENING" AND "THE SYSTEM" AT CHICAGO'S own ELBO ROOM! Kansas City, MO - Virus,Evolution Milwaukee,WISCONSIN -HEX WEFT 90.1 CHAMPAIGN,IL -PROGRAM "THE SKY HAS GONE OUT" WATCH FOR CONFIRMED FALL WISCONSIN DATES SOON! **** VISIT EVENTS SECTION FOR DETAILS. NEWS GRIGORI 3 single "FEAST" growing in the CHICAGO dance circuit. FEATURING - "FEAST" AND "THE SYSTEM" REQUEST GRIGORI 3 AROUND YOUR TOWN----LATEST ADDDITONS GREENBAY/MADISON WISCONSIN AREAS. GRIGORI 3 release "YOU WILL LISTEN" " The System"/"Feast" --NOW AVAILABLE-CONTACT GRIGORI 3 FOR DETAILS. GRIGORI 3's third independent CD,entitled "FEAST" and is quickly becoming a staple of the internet's music scene, with the help of IUMA.com and Mp3.com. The band has gained world wide exposure including Brazil's Renegade2k.,Germany's Black Channel,Philadelphia's Pipeline WNWR, Hollywood's GOTHICRADIO.COM,SIETEGATOS as well as Chicago's own Rebel Radio and Q101. GRIGORI 3 has also recently become a new addition to the Chicagoland, Wisconsin and Indiana club scenes. Latest additions...NOCTURNA & MORSELAND & CATALYST SHOWCASE with CHICAGO'S FAVORITE DJ SCARY LADY SARAH!! VISIT DJ SCARY LADY SARAH AND AMERICAN GOTHIC PRODUCTIONS CLUB KRYPTONITE ROTATION ***REQUEST GRIGORI 3 YOUR AROUND TOWN---see info above Upcoming Release-from Resurrection Pictures "Triste Edad" more info coming soon! +++ RECENT RELEASE +++ From the producers of "The Prophecy," "Phantoms," and "Drive," comes "SEX, DEATH & EYELINER", the definitive look into the beautiful, bizarre and misunderstood Gothic culture. Through a diverse array of characters, this eye-opening documentary permeates the world of the Gothic scene, which prides itself on shock value and a non-judgmental attitude. Filmmaker W. K. Border, who makes his directorial debut with SEX, DEATH & EYELINER, allows us to follow the Gothic "outcast" as they attend Gothic conventions, art exhibitions, balls and ballets and seek a perennial good time. We learn about their music and club life, look (clothing, body art and decoration), rituals of courtship, and fetishes, and the subculture's offshoot, the vampyric lifestyle. "SEX,DEATH AND EYELINER" SOUNDTRACK NOW AVAILABLE!(a DARKFUTUREMUSIC PRODUCTION)-----featuring exclusive GODHEAD release,The Machine in the Garden, Soil & Eclipse, Xorcist, The Razor Skyline, Kommunity FK, St. Eve and more. Visit Gothic Radio Visit DARK FUTURE MUSIC PRODUCTIONS! READ MORE ABOUT GRIGORI 3--Visit our friends STAR Vox VISIT Gothic Beauty!WATCH FOR SWAG MAG!! Visit FANG CLUB Visit THE BLACK CHANNEL!! Visit Gothic Radio VISIT REBEL RADIO !! VISIT RENEGADE2K!! VISIT GOTHIC CHICAGO!! VISIT ATROCITY !! VISIT THEATRE OF TRAGEDY!!" VISIT CALL ME ALICE!! VISIT MILWAUKEE'S HEX!! Vist the Women of Metal Chicago Local Bands Visit New Fangled Black!! Hear The Skys Gone Out on WEFT 90.1fm, Champaign IL Visit Disturbed VISIT HEX! VISIT SLEAZE GRINDER-FOR A RECENT GRIGORI 3 INTERVIEW! VISIT HERESY PRODUCTIONS -(CHICAGO EVENT PROMOTERS)" Visita Radio -iSiete Gatos! Visit GRIGORI 3 at IUMA Visit GOTHIC BEAUTY! Visit NOCTURNAL MOVEMENTS! Visit MONOLITH GRAPHICS for Dark Realms Magazine Info! visit Clip! visit Terminal Bliss! visit UpHill Ski Team! visit Madison's favorite Goth/industrial club -Club Inferno! visit MK ULTRA MAGAZINE! ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info WATCH FOR GRIGORI 3...Press including -GOTHIC BEAUTY MAGAZINE, SWAG ,DARK REALMS AND MORE! throughout the Chicagoland,Wisconsin and Indiana club scenes.<BR> VISIT GRIGORI3.COM FOR spring/summer DATES LISTEN For GRIGORI 3... around town-now including CHICAGO's METRO/NOCTURNA,MORSELAND ROOM and UNDERGROUND LOUNGE!! VISIT AMERICAN GOTHIC PRODUCTIONS REQUEST GRIGORI 3.. on your favorite radio/web-stations! Visit Gothic Radio INFO ABAOVE CONTACT GRIGORI 3.. For DETAILS ON HOW YOUR favorite Goth/Industrial club can get a free copy! ++ BE APART OF IT....EMAIL US FOR STREET TEAM INFORMATION -------bag@GRIGORI3.COM WHEN IN CHICAGO visit Nocturna or Noctronica! an American Gothic Production, is held every Tuesday at Smart Bar (alternate days at the Metro) 3730 North Clark Street, Chicago. DJ Scary Lady Sarah, and sometimes guests, spin ethereal music early and Gothic dance, electro, and synth-pop, emphasizing the new and underground, late. Open from 10:00 p.m. until 4:00 a.m. 21 and over. CALL FOR 18 &+ DATES. BE SURE TO REQUEST "AWAKENING", "AWAKENING-GOTHIC RADIO REMIX" "THE SYSTEM" OR "FEAST"!! "The Best of Gothic Radio, Vol. 1" es una nueva recopilacion que sera lanzada el 10 de Septiembre. Algunas bandas incluidas seran: GRIGORI 3,The Aversion, Collide, Neikka RPM, SPF-1000, Die My Darling, This Morn'Omina, Element, Wench, Anathema Device, Ego Likeness, Christopher y Mindless Faith. VISITA DARK FUTURE MUSIC a compralo o para mas informacion. ![]() Click to subscribe to GRIGORI3info
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