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jfx316 | mp3.com/jfx316 |
welcome to the site.
the new record is out. thanks to all that came out to the show. thanks to scotty boombox for making it out and kicking all kinds of ass. the whole time was one of the best shows we've done. next, look for the record to be sold at shows and maybe on amazon.com. more on this at a later date. NEW SHOWS!!!! nothing at the moment. JFX is focusing on finishing the morphic resonance LP, but will be poping up with shows in the future. we're planning on remixing a few tracks and putting out some spilt singles and remix maxi-cd with some of our friends. stay tuned...... NEW EMAIL!!!!!!!!!! for booking info, shoot an email to our new email address, MORPHICJ@MORPHICSLUT.com we will be liberating ourselfs from the evil AOL soon. make note all you "fans" out there. we'll be reviving the email list soon with a yahoo group. check out the new morphic flash site peace to cashewhead's bad self also, check out JFX316's remixes of scotty boombox "paranoid" @ www.scottyboombox.com. for a better listening choice and new JFX316 tracks, go to JFX316 at acidplanet.com and fuck MP3.com. we'll be adding more tracks to that site since mp3.com seems hell bent on licking mr. timberlake's balls. you are not me.......thank god. your music is now obsolete..... Click Here! and all that...... Review my music at MyMP3Network JFX316: now the ONLY electronic "group" in Dayton, OH. no,really, the only one. BTW, mp3.com sucks at just about everything............and FUCK THE WHITE STRIPES AND EVANESCENCE!!!!