the title is pretty much self explanatory. it's a song about blowing stuff up and covering stuff in yer guts and black stuff |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
Almost everybody knows who the infamous John Wayne Gacy is. But not everybody knows how much he loved his kids. He loved them buried in the backyard all mangled and gross. Hey! Here's a happy little song about it! I'll be damned! |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
a song about this dead guy who kills stuff. You know, Ghost Rider. |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
we love Colorado & everything in it, can't you tell? |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
everyone poos. finally, here's a song about it. a song to poop by. poop. poop. poop. |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
a song about our Lord and High Master: Christopher Walken. May he spill the blood of the innocent for many years to come. |
CD: The Turd EP (also on the upcoming album)
cost of getting raped & killed in prison: priceless |
if you live by this song, your punker than snot on a saftey pin |
CD: Drunkinomicon
Label: Red Rum Records
this song is based on a true story. the names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent....
and hey kiddies! there's another song right after too! |
texas sucks ass |
CD: Drunkinomicon
Label: Red Rum Records
ravers can suck it. suck it now |
CD: Drunkinomicon
Label: Red Rum Records