Since the past disintegration of my well known Mexican Rock and Roll band "Los Amantes de Lola" (early demos on, in which I arranged, composed and played the bass, I had been doing my own music, playing all the instruments of an standart 4 members Pop Rock band, programming and singing. Right here there's some of what I have done lately. Have some time to hear it. Check it out and tell me what you think of it in the "contact" page if you want to, or e-mail me to : if you are interested in contract me and my band for a concert.. I'll appreciate your comments and write back to you soon. I have been working painting too, check my web page with my paintings, my oils on canvas on "" Also I have some cool self promotional stuff with my own printed designs (t-shirts, mugs(tazas) mouse pads etc...) that you can get if you want to on: , Welcome to my site. ESPAÑOL: Despues de la desintegración de Los Amantes de Lola, banda en la que componía, arreglaba y tocaba el bajo, he seguido tocando y componiendo hasta ahora ( He seguido aprendiendo mas música y trabajando en ella, he hecho música para cine, anuncios o dado canciones a alguien mas eventualmente, he salído de gira y participado en grabaciones con otros artistas, tambíen he tenido otros grupos. Tambíen escribo en la revista "El Huevo"(proximamente mi entrevista a Zucchero desde italia)... Ahora quiero dar a conocer mi música y salir a tocar con mi banda en concierto mi propia música. Si te interesa participar en mi proyecto de alguna manera mandame un mail en la página de contacto o a: Sigo grabando temas que estaré subiendo mientras los vaya terminando. Mi trabajo mas reciente como pintor lo puedes ver en "". Saludos y Bienvenidos. Moodiefer.
Instrumental sampled loop´s experiment |
Credits: ensambled loops by Moodiefer |
Esta cancion está producida dentro del concepto electro-acustico que estoy llevando a cabo en concierto y habla del crecimiento inevitable de la humanidad hacia el infinito, de ser posible, como parte de la expansion universal. |
Credits: interpretacion, musica y letra: Moodiefer |
Different electronic instrumental of the original version |
Credits: Programming by Moodiefer |
being melancholic and positive about the uncertainity of life / ideas y sentimientos acerca de la incertidumbre de la vida. |
Credits: music and lirycs by Moodiefer |
This is a confession of vulnerability. Contradictions between love and pain. Listening to it makes me feel better. |
Credits: All credits by Moodiefer . Featuring Maria Morena and the crucifix girl on background vocals. |
versión especial para el programa "Cultura en Linea" del canal 22. |
Credits: letra y música: moodiefer |
A song about the feeling of being lonely, without a god, and going on with it. |
Credits: All credits by Moodiefer |
Good groove funky song |
Credits: with the crucifix girl on background vocals |
Electronic mistical voyage trance |
Credits: programming, sounds and samples by Moodiefer |
electronic progression with an italian voice speaking poetry / progresion electronica con voz en italiano declamando fragmentos de poesia. |
Credits: All music by moodiefer poetry by Maxximino |
experimental with voices |