My closest approach so far to Tangerine Dream. TD usually builds to a great climax, but moves to the denoument too quickly for my tastes. In this piece, I continue until the fat lady chokes. It's in three movements; I considered breaking it into separate pieces, but as you can tell, I like long songs. Now that I'm a bit more proficient with the software, I intend to produce more like this (but different.) [Sep 9, 2003]
Credits: MBro |
First half soundscape, the second half a bit techno. Please let me know what you think of it. [Jul 20, 2003]
Credits: MBro |
A short tune in the key of X. A fun experiment. [Aug 8, 2003] |
Credits: MBro |
Inspired by the work of Philip Glass; a mere echo (no pun intended) of his genius. I wish I had more time for composition; this is fun! Sorry, I cheaped out by repeating the first and only movement, just adding some accompaniment. [Jun 25, 2003]
Credits: MBro |
Inspired by a weekend in the Eastern Sierra Nevada mountains of California. A bit schmaltzy, I suppose, but I like it. Still, nothing jarring, I hope! [30 Jun 2003] |
Credits: MBro |
Another "feel-good" techie tune. Very simple structure; I haven't had much time for creating music lately. [May 23, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Another soundscape. It's very good for meditation, but it's not repetitive (except for one theme), and there are many subtleties. [June 4, 2003] The tune is based on a poem by Chia Tao who lived during the T'ang dynasty (777-841): Searching For The Hermit In Vain I asked the boy beneath the pines He said, "The master's gone alone Herb-picking somewhere on the mount, Cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown." |
Credits: MBro |
Conventional, yet weird. Dunno what to say about it, but it's fairly pleasant, with nothing jarring. [May 13, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
A homage to (or rip-off of) Tangerine Dream. This only works (if it works at all) in high fidelity. Don't listen while driving; it's very soothing. [May 3, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
Not one of my best efforts, I think. I'd value some constructive criticism. [Apr 27, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
My spouse brought back pictures that inspired this song. Again, nothing harsh or jarring; hopefully a pleasant diversion. [April 10, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
Back to bouncy and, well, bubbly. I'm not sure how to categorize this tune; it came out of nowhere. However, it's pleasant to listen to, and a catchy tune. [April 1, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
Very impressionistic, with a bit of Musique Concrete thrown in. Nothing harsh or jarring, although there are a few surprises. [Mar 28, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
Spent a day with the flu watching the Iraq war on the internet, and this is the result. It isn't intended to produce warsickness, but to relieve it, if only a little. [Mar 25, 2003] |
Credits: MBro |
A very complex composition; perhaps too complex. Hopefully still a pleasant tune; I don't care for the harsh stuff. [Mar 23, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
A pleasant enough tune, I hope. [Mar 18, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
The result of a few hours with the best looping software; FruityLoops. My very first composition since I studied electronic music in 1974. [Mar 16, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |
My intent was not to express the pain, but rather the feelings that the pain engendered. It is not a very pleasant piece, but I wanted to get it off my, err, chest. [Apr 11, 2003] |
MP3.com CD: The Kitchen Sync - buy it!
Credits: MBro |