“Roses And Ash” became the signature song off of Annie Rapid’s 1998 debut CD of the same name. Cellos, acoustic guitars, lush vocal harmonies and a beautiful melody all helped to propel this song and the entire album on to becoming the fifty-fifth most played CD on singer songwriter radio programming throughout the United States for 1998. |
CD: Roses And Ash
Label: Dirge Records, Los Angeles, CA
Credits: All songs BMI c 1997 Annie Rapid |
Considered to be one of Annie Rapid’s most beautiful melodies, “To Iberia” blends layers of vocal harmonies with the fluid sound of open guitar tunings to create a lush and expanded feel. This song appears on her debut CD, “Roses And Ash”, which was the fifty-fifth most played CD on singer songwriter radio programming throughout the United States for 1998. |
CD: Roses And Ash
Label: Dirge Records, Los Angeles, CA
Credits: All songs BMI c 1997 Annie Rapid |
“New York Song” showcases Annie Rapid’s unique finger picking guitar style as well as being one of her finest compositions lyrically. This song appears on her debut CD, “Roses And Ash”, which was the fifty-fifth most played CD on singer songwriter radio programming throughout the United States for 1998. |
CD: Roses And Ash
Label: Dirge Records, Los Angeles, CA
Credits: All songs BMI c 1997 Annie Rapid |