The First vocal track ever produced by the Reunion. Sommer breaks it down, belting out all the emotions that any heartbreaker would have. Once she leaves, you'll never see her again. |
CD: Closure
Label: Articfish Music INC. (2002 BMI)
Credits: Written and Arranged-Todd R. Janko & John Halpin Guitar(s) Todd R. Janko Lead guitar- John Halpin Lyrics & Vocals-Sommer/ Todd R. Janko Bass-Carl Herman Drums-Dave Avillion Backup Vocals-Victoria Carr |
Filled with the energy of actually wanting to visit Pamplona, this will make you want to run with the bulls! Go back to a time filled with adventure, spirit, and the will to really live. |
CD: Closure
Label: Articfish Music Inc.
Credits: Written and arranged: Todd R. Janko and John Halpin Guitar(s) Toddr. Janko, Lead Guitar: John Halpin, Bass: Carl Herman, Drums: Pete Carr Percussion: Jeremy Fransen |
This modern day masterpiece will put you back to the medevil days. It has a feel that will put you in a castle at a ball before midnight. This is the featured Reunion single which has been released on acoustic format radio through the Acoustic Rainbow (www.acousticrainbow.com) organization. Enjoy, and let the mind wander to another era of a time filled with simplicity. |
CD: The Reunion II
Label: Articfish Music
Credits: Written by The Reunion (Articfish Music, 1999, BMI) |