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Ren Rutledge And

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    "The Preacher Lied"genre: Spiritual
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    Preachers are saying in the waters of baptism..."I now baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." The people go down a sinner and come up still a sinner. Why? The preacher lied when he said he would do it in the name. Why did he not do it in the NAME? He said he would.
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge And Company
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "Leaning On The Everlasting Arm"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Rutledge At The Keyboard Playing an all time Gospel Great.
    CD: Good Stuff   Label: Ren Rutledge & Company
    Credits: All Music Produced and Arranged by Ren Rutledge
    "Just A Closer Walk_copy"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Rutledge playing on his keyboard with a rich mix of piano, strings, bass, and drums.
    CD: Instrumental Praise   Label: Ren Rutledge And Company
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He'll Never Leave Us"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    A song of assurance based on the promise of Jesus to always be there when we face the storms of life CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "How Glad I Am"genre: Spiritual Country
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    A song of gratitude. I am glad to be free in a world full of trouble..Heaven bound. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Starting All Over"genre: Spiritual Country
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    A song of determination. No matter what has happened in the past, we can start now with new determination, and we can make it. With the help of our Great God, today is the beginning of life. This song was recorded live in the New England School Of The Bible in Norwich, CT. USA CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge .
    "Jesus Cares"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Song of assurance No matter what you are going through Jesus Cares CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Going To A Banquet"genre: Spiritual Country
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    An ivitation to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb as recorded in the Bible. In this song I refer to this supper as a banquet that I have been invited to where I will be seated with the GREAT I AM. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Touch Him And Be Made Whole"genre: Gospel
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    This song is an effort to express the effect of touching Jesus with faith. No matter what, Christ will help us if we touch him with faith. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "When Time Shall Be No More"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Happy sound about eternal life. Something to look forward to when all the mighty works of humanity have crumbled. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Jesus Made It All"genre: Spiritual Country
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    The question is asked..."Who Made everything?" The answer is given in this song. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He's Calling You"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    A voice calls out, and a hand reaches down to lift us up. This song reminds us that we can receive the help we need by listening to that voice and holding on to that hand. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Show Me What To Do"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    A prayer to God in a world filled with trouble. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Found A Friend"genre: Spiritual Country
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    This song comes from my heart. I searched for answers and found THE ANSWER. To people who are searching I dedicate this song. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "The Cross Road"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    The Cross where Jesus died. The road was lonely. He suffered for us so that we could overcome suffering. This song tells the story. CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Tell Him What You need"genre: Gospel
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    Based on the teaching of the Word of God. You can call on Jesus at any time, and he will alway be there to help you. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Hold To God's Unchanging Hand"genre: Gospel
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    This song has been around for a long long time. I have loved it since my childhood, because I really believe the words. I have revised it for today, and I hope it will help you to find comfort and hope. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge
    Credits: Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Holy Ghost Song"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Happy song about the Holy Ghost, baptism in the name of Jesus and speaking in tongues CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written, arranged, and produced by Ren Rutledge. Ren Rutledge composed THE HOLY GHOST SONG , and borrowed a couple of lines from Public Domain I'VE GOT IT...and ...ONE GOD APOSTOLIC
    "Good Things Happen"genre: Spiritual Country
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    From a positive soul in a negative world comes this song. "GOOD THINGS HAPPEN" CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I've Got Something"genre: Spiritual Country
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    This this song carrys a message. You can have the strength inside you to keep you happy. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Love Lifted Me"genre: Gospel
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    An old PD song revised expressing the effect of the love of God in our lives. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Have A Friend"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Free pardon from sin. Unworthy, yet he love us. A friend who is always there.
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "The Greatest Friend I Know"genre: Spiritual Country
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    The Greatest friend I know is God. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Just Want To Be"genre: Spiritual Country
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    This song explains the desire of my heart. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Memories"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Solo by Ren Rutledge Dedicated to the Charles Dyson family in memory of Rev. Charles Dyson CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Room At The Cross"genre: Gospel
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    Public Domain song revised CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Songs That Never Grow Old   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "He'll Understand"genre: Gospel
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    Norma Rutledge singing from her heart. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Another Ren Rutledge arrangement
    "Light In Galilee"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Norma Rutledge sings another Gospel song that has been around for many years, but somehow it sounds like a new song. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Produced and Arranged by Ren Rutledge
    "He Brought Me Out Of Sin"genre: Gospel
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    A happy song for deliverance
    CD: Good Thinngs Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "All I Have Is Yours"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Rutledge During Service in Norwich, Connecticut. CD: Good Things Happen - buy it!buy it! CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it! CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Let's Have Church   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Beyond This Place"genre: Gospel
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    Norma Rutledge Sings from her heart a song that always brings joy to those hearing it. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Pruoduced by Ren Rutledge
    "Sing Around The Throne"genre: Gospel
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    An old public domain Stamps Baxter song revived by Ren Rutledge
    CD: Let's Have Church   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "If It Wasn't For The Lord"genre: Gospel
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    Norma Rutledge Singing as only Norma Rutledge can do it. A really great song with heartfelt sincereity CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Production
    Credits: PD song arrangement by Norma Rutledge Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Goodbye Hallelujah I'm Gone"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Sister Norma Rutledge has been singing this song for years, and it never seems to get older. A great song. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged by Ren Rutledge Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Open The Book"genre: Spiritual Country
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    Norma Rutledge sings a song written by her son, Ren Rutledge CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "You Must Be Born Again"genre: Gospel
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    Norma Rutledge telling it like it is in song CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: PD Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "If We Had But One Day"genre: Gospel
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    Another beautiful arrangement of a great song by Norma Rutledge. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: PD Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "The Lord Will Make A Way Somehow"genre: Gospel
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    It's true. No matter what, the Lord will make a way some how. Sometimes our lives are pushed around by unexpected events..Don't worry...LISTEN to Norma Rutledge sing this song. People do not always understand what we are going through, friends let you down, and trouble gets out of control...Don't worry. THE LORD WILL MAKE A WAY SOMEHOW. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I'm Free Again"genre: Gospel
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    It is a wonderful feeling to suddenly become aware that you are really free. Many times in life it seems we are in a cage or locked in a prison. When you really know Jesus you can face these moments with confidence, and no matter what tries trap you, SHOUT with a voice of triumph...I'M FREE AGAIN...That's what this song is all about, and Norma Rutledge does a great job. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge PD
    "When God Dips His Love In My Heart"genre: Spiritual Country
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    A song that has endured through several generations and still demands to be heard. A great solo by Norma Rutledge on this blessed song. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge PD
    "I'm Glad God Made Me"genre: Gospel
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    Ren Rutledge singing solo with his own voice as back up singers
    CD: Ren Rutledge Live   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge sings all the voices plays all the music and enjoys singing this song in Church PD Produced and arranged by Ren Rutledge
    "Standing On The Promises"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Singing his arrangement of a Christian classic
    CD: Ren Rutledge Live   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Arranged and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Love You More Than Any Thing"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Michelle Baker, daughter of Ren Rutledge, Singing her beautiful song about her love for God.
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "New Born Child"genre: Gospel
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    Michelle Baker sings her new song. She is happy to be a new child of the king.
    CD: LOVE   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written By Michelle Baker Recorded and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Gonna Live My Life"genre: Gospel
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    Michelle singing her beautiful song in her onw beautiful way
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Believe God's Word"genre: Gospel
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    Michelle sings what she believes with all her heart.
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Reach Out To Jesus"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Another beautiful song written and sung by Michelle Baker. She wants everybody to know that Jesus is there to meet your need. He is reaching out to you and wants you to take his hand.
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I'll Follow Him"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    A song of dedication by Michelle Baker
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Welcome Home"genre: Gospel
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    Michelle with another beautiful song inspired by the Holy Spirit
    CD: Michelle   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and performed by Michelle Baker Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "You Mean So Much To Me"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Rutledge Singing his song about his God that he loves more than anything in the world
    CD: Power   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I Saw A Man"genre: Country General
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    Ren Rutledge singe one of his favortes...A heart touching song about a dream that wasn't just a dream after all.
    CD: Ren Rutledge Country   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Presented by Ren Rutledge and dedicated to any friend out there who is tired of the rat race and wants to settle down to a good old country gospel song.
    "I Love To Sing About Jesus"genre: Gospel
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    A happy man singing a happy song about a God who makes him happy.
    CD: I Love To Sing About Jesus   Label: Ren Rutledg e Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "I'm A Child Of God"genre: Spiritual Country
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    According to the Bible, it is possible to become a new creature in Jesus Christ. God has promised that his children will inherit all that belongs to Jesus. Jesus died, left everything in his will to me, rose again to make sure that I get to enjoy it. I wrote this song while praising my God.
    CD: I Love To Sing About Jesus   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "True Christianity"genre: Spiritual
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    Ren Rutledge tells the truth about Christianity. Mainstream religion has turned most of the world against Church. More people would turn to God if the religious teachers would stop teaching lies and start telling the truth.
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "Consider Family"genre: Spiritual
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    Children are free to do anything they want to do. Parents are running in circles trying to figure out what to do about the kids who are disrespectful and unwilling to act like a human. What happened? Is it not possible that the old fashion way of training up a child to mind the parents and obey the rules "OR ELSE...." could have been right? after all?
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "Women Preachers"genre: Spiritual
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    Let the men handle the tough stuff. Women are special and we need to treat them like we care about them and not place them in positions to be hurt by sinners who will sometimes hurt the preacher.
    CD: Let's Rock The boat   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "The Head Of The House"genre: Spiritual
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    Who is the head of the house? Is it the Man? Is it the Woman? Is it the brat? What is the man's role in a Christian home?
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "Do It"genre: Spiritual
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    Ren Rutledge speaks about weak people called of God to do the impossible. How can we mortals do the great work of God. The answer can be found in this short message.
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "Just A Closer Walk"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Ren Rutledge playing on his keyboard with a rich mix of piano, strings, bass, and drums.
    CD: Instrumental Praise   Label: Ren Rutledge And Company
    Credits: Arranged and Produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Be Careful What You Ask For"genre: Spiritual
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    In the early days of my ministry I asked God to speak to me. When I heard the sound it almost scared me to death. HOLY COW! You will have to listen to know what I am talking about.
    CD: Let's Rock The Boat   Label: Ren Rutledge And Company
    Credits: Ren Rutledge
    "I Bowed And Cried Holy"genre: Gospel
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    Norma Rutledge From a melody deep in her heart. CD: Norma Rutledge - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Norma Rutledge   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: PD song Arranged and produced by Ren
    "Take Another Look At Acts 2:38"genre: Spiritual Country
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    In the book of Acts the question is asked... "...What shall we do...?" Then Peter said unto them, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." CD: PRAISE - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Good Things Happen   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
    "Blessed Be His Holy Name"genre: Spiritual Easy Listening
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    Expressing the blessing of healing and salvation through faith in the name of Jesus CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Blessed Be His Holy Name   Label: Ren Rutledge Productions
    Credits: Written and produced by Ren Rutledge
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