The Global Muse "Hells Canyon has to be the best instrumental album of the year, if not the entire decade"
ProgressoR Top 20 of 2000
Gagliarchives Top 100 CDs of 2000
Background Magazine Top 10 CDs of 2000
Progressive World Top Ten of 2000
EPRR Major Album of 2000
Sean McFee Top 30 albums of the year
CDStreet Top 10 Seller
Progged2 Artist of the Month
New Horizons "The pairing of Scott Rockenfield and Paul Speer is a match made in heaven"
DURP "An instrumental masterpiece"
Wind and Wire "This album rocks the complete and total house"
Music Dish 2 - Time BANDWARS Winner
Muse's Muse "When Seven Devils begins, I have to stand back and thank God I'm a reviewer. I might have missed getting this instrumental delight otherwise"
MWE3 "Speers spatial electric guitar work has never sounded better and Rockenfields stadium-size drumming skills drives the duo to new heights"