Welcome to my realm of sound - here's where
you'll find some excellent and diverse music!!!
No new songs on the SilkRush front. Instead, I have been
concentrating on my alter ego DOMINATRIX - just
to show you that girls can also excel at making
electronic music. If you prefer industrial dance,
dark trance and electro-goth sounds to what
SilkRush has to offer, go and listen to

I also create backgrounds, buttons and
other web art, and design custom CD
covers and labels, so if you want to make your
music look as good as it sounds, then contact me!
For a few samples, take a look at my image gallery
(Photos - link at the top of this page), or visit
Immortalis Web Art.

The music I write is very diverse - some dark
and gothic, but also beautiful ballads and pop
songs, so check it out - amongst that lot, I am
sure you will find at least one track that you like!
a.k.a. SilkRush