This is one of our silliest songs. A punk-opera tune about Viking warriors who imbibe milk before battle, this song has been played across the country on the Doctor Demento Show in 1999, 2000 and 2001! |
CD: Free Brains & Dead Bodies
Credits: (c) 1998, 2000 The Consortium of Genius |
Mix 50 inebriated scientists, assorted robots, and a surf band together in the underground laboratory of a major university. Then shake vigorously! |
CD: Free Brains & Dead Bodies
Credits: (c) 1998, 2000 The Consortium of Genius |
Our experiment in Teutonic metal proves that it doesn't matter what you're singing about as long as the guitars are heavy and the accent is thick. (see also: Rammstein) In this case the song is about the pleasure and pain of eating German ice cream until you get a splitting headache. The German 'language lab' part in the middle was intoned by our former bassist, currently a C.I.A. operative and a master of six languages. (No kidding.) |
CD: Free Brains & Dead Bodies
Credits: (c) 2000 The Consortium of Genius |