Blurry visioned head throbbing leads to flights of fancy and poor judgment. When there is no reason to ___ than to just ___. Down looks awfully far up from here. |
Credits: Mark - Noisy Hate. Bad Microphones - More noise. |
Recorded in one take in my dining room. The really bad bit is the only thing I cut out. it was about 30 seconds in the middle of the song. First really noisy song I have done and the only one I have felt like releasing in 3 years. starts with a chill rhythm then gets right into noisy. Enjoy. |
Credits: Mark - Everything, My gear - Everything |
I remixed this song for my friends in 1/2. It was originally a noise collage, I made it into something dancy. The proper title of this song is Irrepresible Whores (Strike Breaker remix by The Skin Matrix). "Then there's twisted experimental beat stuff like 1/2's "Irrepressible Whores" that out funks Autechre." -David Talento "Left of the Dials" http://www.creativesynth.com/Columns/007_LeftDial/LeftDial_102.html |
CD: Submit: Philadelphia Electronica
Label: alienrobotmedia
Credits: Copyright 1999 1/2 and The Skin Matrix |