An atmospheric and melodic verse and pre chorus into a synocopated powerful chorus, with an excellent middle section. Debut performance of this song live on the 3rd June. Apologies for lacking areas in sound. |
Credits: Carroll/Llewellyn |
Newest -ism song, showing their interest in old skool metal is just as important as any other genre of metal, or music. A very upbeat and hard song, breaching on hardcore.
Again, soz for feedback on some parts of the recording, this was unavoidable due to certain reasons which wont be named... |
Credits: Llewellyn |
Said was written in 9 hours over one sunday. It shows off the amazing guitar skills of Rhys Llewellyn in many parts, the pure power of the song and backing vox (if u can hear them! lol) from drummer Tom Winch, make this one of our favourites.
See other notes apologising for sound... |
Credits: Carroll/Llewellyn |