In an article on the life of Martin Luther. Founder of the Lutheran Church. The one phrase/question that caught my attention was when he was asked why he had so much music in his church. His answer was "Well, Because The Devil Don't Like Music!" I had heard "Brush Arbor" and Circuit Ridin' Preacher", both songs I liked, so when I wrote this song, it just didn't feel right until I added known hymns in between verses just like those two songs. And the GCBs did a great job in recording it, in my opinion! |
MP3.com CD: The Devil Don't Like Music - buy it!
Credits: Goose Creek Boys |
The very first song we wrote " Christian Way of Life " was inspired by our local pastor in 1982. He preached about how our lives as Christians were to be examples to others. Think about it! We just might be the primary reason that a sinner would not be willing to accept Christ as their savior. In other words, we just might be the only Bible that some folks would ever read. |
I Claim The Promises! This too was as a direct result of my pastor's sermon concerning the promises in the Bible. He insisted that we could all claim those promises for ourselves. Me!, I could claim those promises. In fact we all can claim those promises. Think about it! This one didn't get much attention until you got hold of it Brother and started working with it. For that I thank you very much. |