A song about a place between the afterlife and reincarnation where one's impending karma hinges upon the outcome of his or her bathing his grandmother.(What the hell was I thinking?) |
CD: "Unpopular Flips"
Label: Mutiny Records NYC
Credits: Music by mainly Fred, and Steve with a wicked backbeat by Todd and the retarded words by me, Rick. |
A hell bent tune about riding around town with God at the helm. |
CD: "Unpopular Flips"
Label: Mutiny Records NYC
Credits: Written by the entire band, Words by Rick, Produced by the band. |
A song about waiting for Dad to pick us up every Wednesday.On the surface it's a goofy rocker, below the surface it might have something to do with the effects divorce has on children,of course it's quite murky down there. |
CD: "Unpopular Flips"
Label: Mutiny Records NYC
Credits: Written by the Husbians, words by Rick, Produced by Jerry Kee in Chapel Hill, NC. |