Centuries ago, kings and queens commissioned
composers to create a symphony for a loved one or to commemorate
an historical event.
Today, the revives this lost practice by
writing, arranging, producing and recording new and original
music for everyday people everywhere.
When not commissioned to celebrate
a special event, this present day
may be found composing a commercial project for radio,
television or the Internet. Or, he might be working on a new GreetingSong to timelessly celebrate a popular holiday with original
music that everyone can enjoy giving or receiving.
the celebration of love, joy and happiness that is the
embodiment of the human spirit and so passionately reflected in
these unique songs. 
Download them, stream them, and by all means, share them with your friends and loved ones.
For as Aldous Huxley once said, "After
silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the
inexpressible is music."