O poveste despre viata cu sensuri, o voce gingasa accompaniata de orchestra. |
MP3.com CD: Ave Maria - buy it!
CD: Ave Maria
Label: Symphony Orchestra of Moldova, Real Sound Studio of Bucharest
Credits: Laurentiu Gondiu |
Un cintec despre bucurie si durere cu dreptul pasind de la moarte spre vesnicie... |
MP3.com CD: Ave Maria - buy it!
CD: Ave Maria
Label: Symphony Orchestra of Moldova, Real Sound Studio of Bucharest
Credits: Laurentiu Gondiu |
Un copil sincer si indragostita scris aceasta melodie in timpul unei ploi.Un mosneag a orchestrat-o. Erau aceiasi persoana. |
MP3.com CD: Ave Maria - buy it!
CD: Ave Maria
Label: Symphony Orchestra of Moldova, Real Sound Studio of Bucharest
Credits: Laurentiu Gondiu |