A jam jazz rock song using a thought of Frodo after the ring is destroyed. On his way home across Middle Earth stopping at bars to celebrate and see friends, before the elves leave, which take Frodo with them |
CD: O'really
Label: Rivendale Ent. Group/ Void Studios/T&P Productions
Credits: Rec@ Void studio by JD |
Wrote right after 911, and recorded on JD Ozone Me Myself and I.. Entered in International Poetry contest and won in top 10 out of 200,000 poems entered. It is also in a few different coffee table poem books
It is one of the most requested songs
Ozone plays out live. JD is a Persian Gulf Vet. |
MP3.com CD: Warning (best of plus a few) - buy it! MP3.com CD: Warning - buy it!
CD: Warning
Label: Rivendale/Void Studios
Credits: JD (Ozone) Maurer |
Song about JD's love for Jerry Garcia's Music, every inst and vocal done by JD |
CD: me myself and I
Label: Rivendale/ Void Studio/ T&P Productions
Credits: All Music and Lyrics by JD Ozone |
Throw It Down from the hidden track on the Warning CD. Track 18 |
MP3.com CD: Warning (best of plus a few) - buy it! MP3.com CD: Warning - buy it!
CD: Warning
Label: Rivendale Ent. Group/ Void Studios/T&P Productions
Credits: JD (Words and Music) / Sy (Music) |
JD Plays a solo written over years by him all in one take no tricks no clicking in one take all the way through. This recording is his 3rd take, it turned out to be a keeper. |
MP3.com CD: Warning (best of plus a few) - buy it! MP3.com CD: Warning - buy it!
CD: Warning
Label: Rivendale/Void Studio/ T&P Productions
Credits: JD Ozone and Life |
Song by Stan Peachey
reworked and rewrote by JD Ozone
Persian Gulf Memories from the War
Acoustic style song.
CD: JD Ozone Acoustical Celebration
Label: void studio and promotions
Credits: Stan Peachey, JD Ozone |
Love song with a twist |
CD: Me,Myself,&I (JD Ozone)
Label: Rivendale/Void Studios
Credits: JD Ozone |
Song about Dealing with the world, and Persian Gulf Illness.
Has a different feel to it than most music. |
MP3.com CD: Warning (best of plus a few) - buy it! MP3.com CD: Warning - buy it!
CD: Warning
Label: Rivendale Ent. Group/ Void Studios/T&P Productions
Credits: JD (Ozone) Maurer, Sy |
I look for the good in things.
And I feel many people not only do not they are blind to the miricles of life all around them. They trust wrong people and seem to never be sad about tragedy. This song is somewhat about that. You figure it out.... |
CD: Me,Myself,&I (JD Ozone)
Label: Rivendale/Void Studios
Credits: JD Ozone |
This solo won JD the best guitar player of the Carolinas in the Battle of the bands, East coast showcase, By The Money, 106.5 the end, Mars Music etc...
JD Plays a acoustic solo written over the years by him, all in one take no tricks, no clicking in, one take all the way through. This recording is his 3rd take, it turned out to be a keeper. Mistakes and all. |
CD: Me, Myself, and I
Label: Rivendale/Void Studio/ T&P Productions
Credits: JD Ozone and Life |