Low class middle class family stuck in traffic, bitterness about life and situation boiling into humorous road rage explosion! |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Special THANKS to Joe Bogen,owner/eng.@NIGHTINGALE STUDIOS Nashville,Tennesee. Also THANKS to the studio musicians at NIGHTINGALE: Pat Mcgrath/Guitar,Dave Francis:Bass,Bob Warren:Drums,Dennis Wage on Piano &BIG B3,Doug Grieves:Lead Guitar |
A song about an innocent more happier time we've all experienced in our lives...just listen and hear all the Energy...party with your friends.. "Come on Baby, You'll have a GOOD Time!" |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lead vocals/Lyrics, Greg Denmark:Electric Piano/Back-up vocals/Dave Vanderweel/:Electric Guitar,Tim Camp/Bass,Clyde Potrattz/Drums |
All the feelings that we've ALL felt with
being in love...we're talkin' bout luv
so then you'll know what luv is ALL 'bout... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel: Lyrics, Leadin' Vocals...Greg Denmark: Piano, Backin' Vocals, Drum&Bass&Rythym Programmin' & Doris Denmark:Backin' Vocals...and the GREATEST SAX PLAYER ON THE PLANET: Dennis Marcellino:Screamin' Tenor Sax |
Yeah BABY, More love and less attitude... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics,Vocals/ Greg Denmark:Keyboards,Drum&Bass Programing ,SPECIAL SESSION with SUPERB Saxman: Dennis Marcellino |
Our LATEST song that combines the SEX appeal of a woman...And the Power of a great motorcycle and we're pushin' all your limbic
system buttons on this one by adding a fellow mp3.com artist...Dennis Marcellino whom we feel is probably the most gifted
Sax player on this Planet...OHHH Somebody STOP ME!!!!!!! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Screamin' Lyrics&Guitar...Greg Denmark:Piano,Organ,Drum&Bass Programming...Specil session guest:Dennis Marcellino/Seasoned Tenor Saxaphone |
BRAND NEW SONG...Just another sweet love song, written over 10 years ago and played for friends at weddings...We just never got around to recording it until last week...Enjoy! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics,Guitar,Vocals Greg Denmark:Piano,Strings |
We're just singing the Blues...'Cause we can't get no Respect! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Vocals,Lyrics...Greg Denmark:Drums&Bass Programing,Digital Keyboard...Special Thanks to Guest !Dennis Marcellino, Tenor Saxophone! |
Tale of a young man's life...After DAD gives him a $10 guitar and some valuable advice
at a young age..." chase your dreams 'till
they plant you in the ground"...and he did... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics&Guitar...Greg Denmark:Piano,Organ,Drum&Bass Programming...Dave Vanderwheel:Electric Guitar |
Stevie Ray Vaughan:Last song he never wrote... |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Label: HFO MUSIC (aka Tramelkarr Productions BMI)
Credits: Greg Tramel:Lyrics/Lead Vocals/Drum & Bass Programming, Greg Denmark:Synthesier Horn Arrangement, Dave Vanderweel:Electric Guitar-Stevie Ray style- |
Simple songwriting...Drawing from memories
you find in your mind...And music that takes you away to that place every time you hear it |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics...Greg Denmark:Piano,Drum&Bass Programming |
Recorded on Feb. 4th 2001...Written in 1991
So why did it take 10 years before recording?We are asking ourselves that question... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics,Lead Vocals,Taylor Acoustic Guitar...Greg Denmark:Drums&Bass,Digital Grand Piano,Backing Vocals |
Song for the present energy crisis...Check
out a truly gifted mp3.com artist,Dennis
Marcellino on a SEASONED Tenor SAX...We
feel VERY fortunate that he had the TIME(and
the Saxophone)It's a HFO MUSIC Studio fresh
recording on 6/11/01...for your listening
enjoyment! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Vocals,Lyrics/ Greg Denmark:Piano,Bass&Drums/SPECIAL SESSION GUEST:Dennis Marcellino:KILLER SAX! |
A song for all you worms out there...Yeah,this could Mr. Dangerfield's theme song!!! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Vocals ,Lyrics,Guitar/ Greg Denmark:Piano,Bass,Drums |
A drifter's daydreaming life review...at sixty miles an hour on a freight train...watching life and scenery go by... |
CD: Frozen Blue
Credits: Special thanks to Dave Vanderweel for guitar work |
Introspective songwriting with a melodic plea
to be the one and only...Inspired by the
styles of Phil Collins and Steve Winwood
but written,played and arranged by HFO MUSIC |
CD: 'Still Crusin'
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Guitar&Lyricsand Vocals/ Greg Denmark...everything else |
The cycle of abuse...from one woman's view...
and it hurts...So she can only cry alone |
Credits: Gregg Tramel: Lyrics, Vocals,Guitar...Greg Denmark:Drum&Rythym Programming |
Dedicated to the men and women of the Armed Forces who are fighting for our right to Freedom... Honoring the soldier, but bemoaning their necessity in this violent world...It's time for the Soldier to speak forAll AMERICANS... Sadly and once again....and again...and again...A Soldiers Work is Never Done...A Soldiers Life's Like the Setting Sun..How Sad His Work...Is Never Done. |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Greg Tramel: Lyrics/ Lead Vocals/Guitar, Greg Denmark:Grand Piano/Strings/Trumpet./Back-up Vocals |
When you hear this song you should stop and think about what could happen if you see this figure approaching...Time to get outta Dodge ! |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lead Vocals/Electric Acoustic Guitar, Greg Denmark:Digital Grand Piano/StringSynth |
Written as a tribute to Billy Joel and given to the sound man at a Portland concert in 1986 with name address and Phone#...Still waitng to hear from the Piano Man...We wrote it after seeing him in concert because he moved us, entertained us and left us with something to remember...so the memory will be remembered whenever we hear this song... |
Credits: Greg Tramel:Lyrics/Lead Vocals/Guitar, Greg Denmark:Digital Grand/String Synthesier/Wind 5th Melody Solo,Tim Camp:Fretless Bass,Clyde Potrattz:Live Acuostic Drums!! |
Political satire rock created for the 1st Ross Perot campaign. Song went about as far as his 1st campaign...We need to rewrite it but you'll dig the music...IT's WILD !!! |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Thanks(again) to Dave Vanderweel for the Killer guitar, Tim Camp:Bass, Clyde Pottratz:Drums,Greg Denmark:Piano/Organ/Back-up vocals,And last but not least Gregg Tramel:Lyrics/Lead vocals |
When Love goes bad at home, you're all alone...might as well go get stoned...Come on Joe, one more for the road...Then I'll give you my keys so you can drive me home!!! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel: Lyrics & Vocals... Greg Denmark: Digital Grand Piano&LIVE Drums with Special Session Guest David Sims on an Athentic Real-Pro Toy Chinese Harmonica which was what was the only Harp in tune at the session!!! |
Artist's recall tribute to a failed relationship where DRUGS, denial, mistrust and casual irresponsibility prevailed to doom the essence of what once was LOVE...And conference with a psychitrist confirmed the inevitable...Nothing will change until they hit Rock Bottom... |
CD: Livin it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lead vocals/Lyrics, Greg Denmark:Keyboards/Back-up vocals/Dave Vanderweel/:Electric Guitar |
In a society of so much sometimes, for so few, there is sometimes so little for me and you.... |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Dave Vanderweel with guitars, Lead vocals:Gregg Tramel |
The song that we've all sung when romance calls and we are listening...it runs a little long but worth waiting to hear ourfriend Steve Snyder play some Killer saxaphone (Where are you now, Steve?) |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Greg Denmark: Lyrics/Lead Vocals/Piano/Keyboards(Oh and back-up vocals too!),Bass:Rob Neuberger, Drums:Ron "Power Steering" Turner,Electric Guitar:Dan Kopecky and Steve Snyder:Killer Soprano Saxaphone (Thank you Steve!) |
This song was written by Aaron Copeland,who liked to use many textures to classical composition and inspired Emerson,Lake&Palmer to record in their style this musicial piece.This is ALL Greg Denmark from Fox Troubadour Studios located in a cozy furnished basement of his home... |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Greg Denmark:Arrangment of Drum Programimg/Synthesizers/Strings so that he can play it LOUD!! |
When Love goes bad at home, you're all alone...might as well go get stoned...Come on Joe, one more for the road...Then I'll give you my keys so you can drive me home!!! |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Gregg Tramel: Lyrics & Vocals... Greg Denmark: Digital Grand Piano...Special Session Guest David Sims on an Athentic Real-Pro Toy Chinese Harmonica which was what was the only Harp in tune at the session!!! |
In a society of so much sometimes, for so few, there is sometimes so little for me and you.... |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Dave Vanderweel with guitars, Lead vocals:Gregg Tramel, Live Acoustic Drum Remix with Special Session Guest Zak Martin also Greg Denmark:Live RotoTom&Percussion,Cowbell,Wood Block&DAMN near anything that can make sounds when you hit it!!! |
Just as 2 or more cameras can show all aspects of an event, this is the original rough mix that was given to us as we left Nightingale Studios in Nashville 1998.We really liked the heavy B3 organ and felt the vocals were a little buried, but oh the ENERGY...We think the song needs a new mix...Somewhere between these 2 mixes is a compromise and we at HFO MUSIC intend to use the resources of new technology to make simple artists sound GOOD...Stay tuned to http://www.mp3.com/HFOMUSIC for more details as this project still has more to offer!!! |
CD: Too Damn Hot(BIG B3 MIX)
Credits: Buried Lead Vocals:Gregg Tramel..OK so he wrote the lyrics too! |
Storyline, typical appeal to partners in a relationship,are you coming or going? Please don't beat on me too long before you decide! |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics...Greg Denmark:Digital Grand Piano/String Synthesier/Vocals,Marty V: Electric Guitar, Rob Neuberger: Bass |
Power Pop Ballad with all the bells and whistles...Recorded over an 8 hour session
on March 10, 2003 at HFO MUSIC brand new
studio in Sandy, Oregon |
CD: 'Stil Crusin'
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Guitar&Lyricsand Vocals/ Greg Denmark...everything else |
BRAND NEW SONG...less than 1 week old |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics,Guitar,Lead Vocals\ Greg Denmark:Piano,Drums&Bass,Synthesiers,Back Vocals |
This song was written to ask questions of every human being...Who are you now? Where are you going? Are you getting where you need to be in this mystery called LIFE? Hope this song asks some helpful questions for your fullfilment of that Quest... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics, Guitar & Lead Vocals,/' Greg Denmark:Keyboards,Drum & Bass programming,Back up Vocals |
Another song about character (male song equal to Stinkfoot Sally) about a guy who does some crazy stuff (as well as being a little crazy himself).Written by Gregg Tramel sittin' in front of a recorder and a one man band keyboard while trying to portray the most obnoxious character with lyrics and a catchy musical idea...That's what music is...Ideas that you can hear!!! |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: This one's ALL Gregg Tramel:Lyrics/Vocals/Drum & Rhythym Guitar & Bass Programming |
If you can hear the song's message, it's about music being a universal language...It does not matter the verbal language.. as you can tell the song style in any language that it's sung...Celebrate in hearing & listening!!! |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Greg Denmark:Lead & Back-up Vocals/Lyrics/Synthesiers/Digital Grand Piano,Marty V:Electric Guitars,Mixed at Marty V's Studio, Bass:Rob Neuberger |
Youth to Adulthood chronology...The passage we all make. Also the 1st tune Gregg Tramel wrote and sang in a real studio, 1986. |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lead vocals/Lyrics, Greg Denmark:Drum tracks/Electric Piano/Back-up vocals/Steel Drums,Dan Kopecky:Electric Guitar |
A song about everyone you love to hate...Bad preachers, corrupt politicians, even the molester...They ALL get Justice in this tune! |
CD: Too Damn Hot
Credits: Greg Denmark:Back-up Vocals& ALL instruments (except lead vocs & guitar),Gregg Tramel:Lyrics/Lead Vocals:Marty V./Electric Guitar |
Alright so what if it's Beatlesque...But Buddy Holly & Herman's Hermits and a few others should come to mind when you hear this song...But it's really a Tribute to George Harrison...the quiet Beatle...May God rest his Soul as he had quite a life but it was too short...Can you hear he's Happy to
Dance With You because he's Gonna Lose That Girl and This Boy Wants You Back Again,etc... |
Credits: Greg Tramel:Lyrics,Guitars,Lead Vocal....Greg Denmark:Drums,Bass, Electric Piano,Backing Vocals...David Sims on Harp |
It's all good...When you're good to me...You
figure it out...Your life gets better...It's
ex-ta-see...Please enjoy this song...And Love
Credits: Gregg Tramel Lyrics, Guitar...Greg Denmark Drums ,Bass |
We've all been some kind of Fool for someone at sometime in our lives...But don't ever stop believing in yourself...Once you do, it's all downhill from there! Just stick a fork in ya, you've done... |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel;Lyrics/Lead Vocals, Greg Denmark:Digital Grand Piano/Back-up Vocals |
Go ahead...Have a drink and loosen up...then give this one a try, Hey...you never know who is listening but if you don't care...Well that's when it's more fun! Go for it! |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics, Guitar /Greg Denmark:Bass, Drums,Piano |
You'll think twice about picking up any attractive hitchicker after you've heard this rendition of what could happen.... |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Guitar(and back-pick)/Vocals/Lyrics,Greg Denmark:Honky Tonk Piano/Drum tracks |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lyrics,Haunting Lead Vocals, Greg Denmark:Haunting Digital Piano |
Written for the crew of the Aircraft Carrier Vinson who reportedly play this routinely on speakers on the flight deck...Be careful GUYS! |
CD: Livin' it Up !!!
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Lead vocals/Guitar/Lyrics, Greg Denmark:Drum tracks/Synthesiers/Effects |
A feel good song about the one you love... |
Credits: Gregg Tramel:Original Lyrical Idea from hook given by music colab.. .Greg Denmark:Lyrical Rewrite,Vocals,Piano,Synthesizers,Drum & Bass Programming |