Artists We Like |
Thee Pirates - Wow! Rawk out! |
The Stillborns - Good shit....listen to "pirate youth"! |
Fairmount Girls - Can we get some??? |
Saraswati - Chandler rocks for you! |
BAGG - This band whips the ass of the llama. |
The Bikini Spiders - Super cool dudes that rock really hard. |
Kill Allen Wrench - Are they for real? Who knows. We like. |
Electric Frankenstein - Like a good ol' B-movie horror flick. |
Hot Water Music - The meanest drummer ever! |
Dophesus - Fuck corporate whores! Dophesus rocks! |
Spicolie - Thanks for keeping rock alive in Indy! |
!!! BRANO-7 !!! - This song is really good....anymore? |
Destination Detox - Mohawks! |
READYMAID - Cincinnati indie rockers! |
Hotlips Messiah - Punk from Chi-town! |
Monkey Kill Human - Anderson Indiana Punk Rock. |
The Cadavers - Brutal Indiana Punk! |
scumgrief - Heavy Fuckin' Metal, baby! |
Our Links |
Northern Aggression Records |
The Mad Frog: Great Cincy Bar! |
Indianapolis Music Net! Many Bands! |
This band rocks harder than Air Supply!! |