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    Artist description
    The Impromptones create humorous songs on the spotbased on audience suggestions. Every genre of music,every type of performer, and every subject imaginableare skewered by their rapier wit, and rendered up ina most listenable fashion with the skillful melodies and rich3-part harmonies of James Thomas Bailey, Jeff Davis and Joe Whyte and the ever amazing keyboard skills of Michael Pollock,pianist and musical director.
    Music Style
    Musical Improv Comedy
    Musical Influences
    All kinds of music
    Artist History
    The Impromptones have been performing in Hollywoodat the world famous cabaret Cinegrill since 1996, andand across the country at comedy festivals and otherevents. They have also appeared on The Drew Carey Showand in the made-for-tv movie Tuesdays with Morrie, starringJack Lemmon.
    Group Members
    James Thomas BaileyJeff DavisMichael PollockJoe Whyte
    Piano, synths and organs, guitar, various percussion
    Steamy Monday
    Press Reviews
    "Creating something funny out of the most mundaneof ideas has been a phenomenally successful gambitfor Jerry Seinfeld and his soon-departing sitcom.But his writers have days to mull over and perfectthe material. Not so with the Impromptones, a superbly talented quartet of comic/singers who caninstantaneously turn the most challenging curve ballan audience throws their way into a side-splittinglyhilarious home run." - Back Stage West, "90 zany minutes of sidesplitting laughs!" -Los Angeles Times"Their voices are fluid, their harmonies clean and clear, and theirgrasp of styles as diverse as minimalist opera andcountry-western solid. They're so good that you'dwant to listen to them sing even if they weren'tconcocting the songs out of thin air. But, of course,they are, and that makes listening to them all themore delightful. They are choice in the improvisedmusic game - and they ain't half-bad with thoseingenious rhyming lyrics, either." - The Austin Chronicle"The threesome of James Thomas Bailey, Jeff Davis and Joe Whyteare masterfully in sync with one another as they take whatever wordor phrase is given to them and immediately launchthemselves into melody, building their harmonieson the impeccable song stylings and chordal progressionslaid down by pianist Michael Pollock." - Daily Variety
    Hollywood, California - USA

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