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Clutch Cargo (Australia)

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    Artist description
    Clutch Cargo is an experiment in attempted synergism. The 'band' is the fruit of Melbourne Independent musician turned nerd Goldman Junkwise's loin, and consists of approximately 50 indie and electronic musicians from the qaint little scene of Melbourne, Australia. Consisting of multiple incarnations, the tracks you're about to hear include original samples from 70's sci fi movie promotional trailers, pop-culture american ads ("help I've fallen..." "thats a spicy meatball") Fat-ass beats, and messed up symphonic episodes... There is another configuration to the band, incorporating 'standard' instrumentation to record stock 'standard' guitar based songs in the vane of bands like Pavement and Sloan. What does a 50 piece indie/electronic band sound like? You need but one click to find out...
    Music Style
    Big nut beats in the backend, kooky samples out front. handy.
    Musical Influences
    Chemical Brothers, Pavement, Allman Brothers, Melbourne Indie/Electronic Scene.
    Similar Artists
    Chemical Brothers, Pavement, Prodigy, Kiss.
    Artist History
    1997 - Purchased Nerd-Works. 1998 - Used NerdWorks to create party soundtrack called "party soundtrack". 1999 - Signed Deal with Mushroom Records - then Annulled said signing to go with lesser known label called "party soundtrack - the label". 1999 - 3 Recordings: (1). "The schizophrenic stylings of clutch cargo" (2)."what doesn't kill you is probably tremendous" (3). "Nathalie Mitchell and Ryan Egan's 3 track extravaganza" 2000 - Awaiting the release of Clutch Cargo 3, the working title: "thats another fine electronic mess you've got me into trevor"
    Group Members
    Goldman Junkwise, Simon Jarockyj, Daniel Zambello, Chris Drago, Tom Morris, BattleDan, Grant McConville, DJ Takimon, Old Simpcock Supreme, Jazziwold, Olivia Prendergast, Ben Tunks, Gabriella Zambello, Michael McMahon, Andrew Drago, the cast and crew of 'Humphrey'... et al.
    PC, Mac, Marimbas, tcp/ip
    (1) The Schizophrenic Stylings of Clutch Cargo (Electronic), (2) What doesn't kill you is probably tremendous (pop/country/porn), (3)Nathalie Mitchell and Ryan Egan 3 Track Extravaganza (Electronic)
    Press Reviews
    RRR "Trip Magazine" called it "indie musician turned geek. cool!" RRR Radio program "Local & Or General" - featured on the track "Clutch Cargo meets local and or general" Review from Goldman's Mum : "[goldman] never tidies up, he's a slob, and I hope that one day he finds someone to degrade his quality of life to the point where he fosters insanity"
    Melbourne, Victoria - Australia

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