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march {315}

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    Artist description
    intelligent melody mixed with determined noise and agression
    Music Style
    Alternative / Modeern Rock
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Bush, Guided by Voices, Deftones, Radiohead, U2
    Artist History
    Since their inception four years ago, Toronto band march has emerged as a driving force on the local music scene. This four-piece modern rock band has shared the stage with some of Canada's top musical acts including Wide Mouth Mason, Treble Charger, Bodega, and Robin Black. march has developed an engaging live show that has continually brought houses to the ground. march has just recently released a five song EP entitled 'Moving Still'. The independently funded project was produced by Eric Bridenbaker (Joe Virus, I Divide, Odin Red, Shortfall), recorded by Rudy Rempel (Blurtonia, Plasma Blast, Flashing Lights) at Chemical Sound in Toronto and mixed by Alfio Annibalini (Hayden, Nelly Furtado). Completion of the recording for Moving Still was celebrated with a sell-out crowd of over 300 people at a party held in the exclusive Revival Lounge in Toronto. Jack Daniels, Amsterdam Brewing Company and Metropolitan Ice Cream sponsored the evening. With many shows booked in the coming months, the band is looking forward to promoting the new EP throughout Southern Ontario. Asked to describe their music in their own words, the band cite many influences that help to define the march sound. With established roots in alternative and punk as well as classic rock, the band explores whatever comes naturally. "It goes something like this...We'll be jamming on a Zeppelin-type riff with a Foo Fighters tempo and then we'll throw in a little U2 melody for good measure," says drummer Nelles. The band's first single "Stupid and Brilliant" was selected for inclusion on the 1999 Southern Comfort Rising Stars Compilation alongside tracks from such breakthrough acts as Kittie, Clarknova, Odin Red, and The Special Guests. Recently the band was invited to take part in the live recording of the From October acoustic compilation. A true sign of their versatility, the band played a great acoustic set that is prominently showcased on the recording. With Moving Still picking up speed on College radio, a dedicated live schedule, and more recording to follow - the band feel that 2002 should be a year of great accomplishment. for more info
    Group Members
    Chris Myles, Steve Hussey, Jon Muldoon
    Press Reviews
    “march is progressing well towards world domination…a good natured rapport with the audience and songs that cruise along with driving textures and catchy riffs...march definitely has the potential to be a successful band.” –
    Toronto, Ontario - Canada

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